Before this change, the application developer was responsible to initialize the CSS-speficic settings (suc…
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New CSS abstraction: xowiki::CSSBefore this change, the application developer was responsible toinitialize the CSS-speficic settings (such as setting default valuesfor parameter classes). The new object xowiki::CSS is initializedautomatically, when an xowiki class (or one of its subclasses) isinitialized. Furthermore, it provides a per-thread caching to reducedouble work. Furthermore, the xowiki::CSS provides a mapping betweenabstract and concrete CSS class names, such that switching betweendifferent CSS toolkits becomes easier (e.g. upgrade from bootstrap 3to newer versions). xowiki::CSS initialize ;# make sure, everything is in line with PreferredCSSToolkit xowiki::CSS clear ;# reset the mapping xowiki::CSS toolkit ;# return the toolkit name xowiki::CSS class /classname/ ;# perform CSS class name mappingThe methods "setCSSDefaults" and "preferredCSSToolkit" as deprecated.The version number was bumped to 5.10.0d81
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