gustafn in OpenACS

Fixed issue introduced in OpenACS 5.9.0

The old version did not insert a property value via the

sec_session_property__upsert() in PostgreSQL on the initial setting

(later updates were OK). The broken version was just adding a tuple

and left the "property_value" empty.

Many thanks to Jonathan Kelley for identifying the issue and reporting it.

file upgrade-5.10.1b4-5.10.1b5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

added link to cluster info to acs-admin main page when cluster is enabled

improved spelling

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    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
clean dirty editor buffer

improved spelling

Made startup more robust

- handle not-yet-defined callback procs gracefully

updated version number of jquery (introduced not long ago)

Improved readability of configuration parameter "parameterSecret"

- Switched to camelCase for better readabilty and uniformity

- NaviServer configuration parameters are case insensitive, so no danger for backward compatibility

Made .xql file more consistent by using dot notation

OpenACS for PostgreSQL uses since the release of 5.10.0 the dot

notation for the SQL function acs_permission.permission_p() to ease

portability with Oracle.

In general, one has to be careful that during an upgrade from an older

OpenACS version (e.g. 5.9.*) directly to 5.10.1 to upgrade process

does not depend on the dot notation, otherwise the upgrade will fail.

One should be safe for most UI functions in this respect.

JS upstream updates

- Updated highcharts to 11.4.0 (when highcharts package is not installed)

- Updated jquery-3.6.3 to jquery-3.7.1.

- Bumped version number to 5.10.1b10

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    • +2
JS upstream updates

- Updated upstream library to 11.4.0

- Bumped version to 0.5

JS upstream updates

- Updated jquery-3.6.3 to jquery-3.7.1.

- Bumped version to 5.10.1b2

JS upstream updates

- Updated boostrap5 to 5.3.3

- Updated jquery-3.6.3 to jquery-3.7.1.

- Bumped version to 5.10.1b4

file jquery-3.7.1.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file jquery-3.7.1.min.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file upgrade-0.6.2d6-0.6.2d7.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

added missing function args

reduce verbosity

Added default dbn to database drivers (acs::dc)

Align behavior with recent change in the xo::db inteface

Added parameter to define a default dbn to a database connection

By this change, one can now define a default dbn at the creation time

of a database connection object. Before, it was necessary to pass

the "-dbn" value to every single command. The parameter can still be

used for particular queries as before to overrule the default.

Example for defining a connection context to a pool named "legacy"

using the PostgreSQL database interface

::xo::db::DB-postgresql create ::xo::dc1 -dialect postgresql -dbn legacy

lappend _ [::xo::dc1 get_value . {select count(*) from acs_objects}]

lappend _ [::xo::dc get_value . {select count(*) from acs_objects}]

#> 660 51606

removed legacy code from apm_transfer_file

util::http::get should be everywhere available

Rework of util::which

The new version deals now correctly with absolute paths,

where just the extensions are added, and it is checked

whether the program is executable.

Extended regression test to deal with optional and required

external dependencies. Missing optional external programs

produce warnings.

Reduced redundancy

call text_templates::create_pdf_from_html from

text_templates::create_pdf_content instead of replicating logic

    • -31
    • +27
Use for new installation relative path names for external programs per default

    • -1
    • +1
removed code, which was commented out since ages.

Cleanup of external binaries: always use "util::which" to resolve binaries

deprecate unused command cr_check_orphaned_files

reduced number of external dependencies

fixed typo