• last updated 18 hours ago
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Revert to previous strategy of determining available subcommands.

Running the provided subcommand is dangerous, since the command might

have side effects, might require connections, etc.

The feature test for "ns_http run" was incorrect, since it was not

introduced with 4.99.15 (as the comment suggested), but already with

4.99.4 (2017)... but at this time, the command did not return a dict,

which is assumed in the http-client procs. One can use "ns_http stats"

as an indicator for this feature, which was introduced at the time

when "ns_http run" was starting to return dicts as results.

Provide a more precise name for the feature test of ns_http returning

dicts (naming the feature simply "ns_http" is not a good idea, since

the command could of course be used already before the feature change).

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Extend test to expose that we need a better idiom to detect also NaviServer commands

Fix wording

New test for acs::cmd_has_subcommand exposing how flags at the beginning and end of the error message are not properly recognized

file 00-icanuse-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Tear down a lot of boilerplate used to support native HTTP api on Naviserver versions < 4.99.15, which will now fallback to curl

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Test the use case supposedly supported by sec_change_user_auth_token: invalidate all existing login cookies (e.g. when the users change their password) so that all devices need to log in again

the test exposes a long standing regression (~17 years) where this was broken in order to support persistent login. See e.g. https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=1691183#msg_1691183

file security-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

the Linux Documentation Project recommends to write "lowercase" as a single word

fix for issue #3448

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Exclude deprecated procs from the test

Include tests with string containing an extension, put also a ß in the mix

Basic test for ad_sanitize_filename

file utilities-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Fix test category misplacement

Take care of string values when these are longer than the randomized length

Whitespace changes

Set tests as 'production_safe'

Do rollback after test run

Rework of the 'test_apm_parameter__register' and 'test_apm_package_instance__new' test cases.

Ignored disabled packages in both tests.

Check all enabled packages in 'test_apm_package_instance__new', instead of picking just one randomly, so all issues instantiating packages are found at once.

Indentation changes.

Adapt tests to the new behaviour of 'apm_parameter_unregister'

Do not add admin_node to the component bars if it is empty

Reduce error level to warning in the nullchat test case, as the issue is driver related

Fix typo in library doc

Improve portability of test code

improve comments

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Whitespace changes + editor hints

Add 'nullchar' test, which uncovers a bug transmitting the null character to postgres. Many thanks to Nathan Coulter for finding out and creating the test as well.

Avoid testing all site nodes on 'site_node_get_children', if the number of them is too large, as it can take too long

improve spelling

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.