• last updated 17 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added a couple of template validation procedures ("added a couple of

templating system datatypes") to bring the kernel and templating system's

view of datatypes closer together. Added to_sql/from_sql helpers to move

that functionality from ad_form into the templating system.

Merged oacs-5-6 to HEAD. HEAD now installs and passes all core tests. There

may still be some lingering problems due to my screwing up the oacs-5-6

branch earlier, I'll be looking into this later.

  1. … 212 more files in changeset.
removing defaults_meta because I am a bad boy. I did not follow the new, unpublished OCT procedures for core changes. (repeating this x100)

adding OpenGraph protocol default generations for social networking

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added sql_timestamp as an alias for sql_date (no code)

Checking if parameter XinhaDefaultPlugins exists and has no empty value; otherwise upgrades from 5.1.x will brake.

Checking if parameter XinhaDefaultPlugins exists and has no empty value; otherwise upgrades from 5.1.x will brake.

Add form::get_properties

Add form::get_properties

Fix misnamed and misordered variables in creating body script multirow.

Added encoding to params for webspell otherwise we would get unexpected results when checking languages that use extended characters (e.g. spanish)

Fun with developer support!

1. Added a button to turn template profiling on/off.

2. Moved templating information to the request information page. It was

confusing having it work differently than db and other information. If,

for instance, you clicked on a request link in the developer support

index page, you'd get the db timing information for that request, but

the profiling stuff would come from the footer - and would be the profile

information for displaying request-info.tcl/adp, not for the template

served for that request. Oops.

3. Simplified the ds_profile proc since in practice it only is used for

profiling templates.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Add a specific class to format form legend text.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Use default style for form section and bold one for the legend text when it's not a fieldset around checkbox or radio buttons.

Merged 5.5.1 to HEAD

  1. … 179 more files in changeset.
remove html security check bypass for admins in the richtext validation per OCT discussion

Providing upgrade logic for removing Xinha invalid plugins from the parameter XinhaDefaultPlugins.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Localized default format for date widget

Close LABEL tag before adding the Format and Spellcheck widgets. This HTML should be build in the template rather than in the rendering proc. Each widget should be computed separately.

Non-info file merge results, with conflicts fixed

  1. … 726 more files in changeset.
Removed plugins from the default config of tinymce since they need acs-templating to be mounted and it's not by default. Rolling back to be xinha the default editor.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Updated template::widget::richtext doc to include tinymce

Add per widget config for tinymce.

Allow only valid elements and attributes in tinymce

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Remove zoom plugin. Fix permissions on file plugin on xinha

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Bump version number, add tinymce default config parameter

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
quick refactor to the chrome bug fix victor did, at some point we'll need to eliminate this entry

improve error messages from a variety of other malformed list things

make the invalid orderby spec message more informative since it can be hard to identify a malformed orderby spec

use template::multirow foreach rather that the deprecated version; fix template::multirow so it works when adp_level is undefined

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.