• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
passing properties consistently with @....;literal@

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.
passing properties consistently with @....;literal@ and not "noquote", since noquote content is already parsed

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
add validation for message_id

add minimal permission check

remove "verify" from page contrace, since variables are NOT signed

hardened page contract

Replace the lame template::util::get_opts with some homemade utility that will parse arguments reliably, adjust the one upstream use case where arguments other than those documented might be passed to the element creation, introduce a warning when this happens somewhere else

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
harden page contract

harden page contract

improving Oracle upgrade scripts

Oracle has no "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN ...."

Oracle has no "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN if exists .."

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Do the transaction only if necessary

Break overlong lines

Replace reference to long-missing message key

Trap the attempt to retrieve a non-existing forum and return a 404 in this case

this might need to happen in other places and/or be refined

Revert escaped code

Fix default name

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
improve spelling in .info files

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
fix release dates in .info files

  1. … 82 more files in changeset.
release work

  1. … 204 more files in changeset.
fix recent editing bug

bump version numbers of 5.9|5.10 packages to 5.10.0b1

adjust dependencies

  1. … 87 more files in changeset.
improve spelling

  1. … 42 more files in changeset.
fixed categorization of test case

Add 'forum_enable_disable' test case, covering 'forum::enable' and 'forum::disable'

Fix typo

Handle correctly the indexing of moderated messages in fulltext search:

so far the fulltext search would also include unapproved messages and threads. With this reform we address this by:

- making sure unapproved threads are deleted from the index

- making sure new threads are added to the index only when the are approved

- making sure we unindex or reindex a thread whenever the approval state changes

- not fetching unapproved messages in the datasource callback, hence excluding them from the index

Note that Oracle has not been targeted by the reform. However, the situation improves for Oracle as well, because we won't render unmoderated messages in the datasource callback anymore.

    • -6
    • +59
file upgrade-1.4.0d3-1.4.0d4.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
improve listing of procs covered by regression test

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Prefer using 'user_info' over 'user_id' when calling 'acs::test::http'

Skip deprecated api that is neutralized by the next upgrade, reinstate deprecated api just for upgrade purposes, complies with acs-api-browser.graph__bad_calls automated test

Whitespace cleanup