• last updated 20 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Util user message reform: when a message is repeated, do not create a new entry, but just increase a counter, which will be displayed when the message is retrieved

Increase test coverage

revert escaped version

reduce verbosity

Give people the chance to use OpenACS with WithDeprecatedCode set to 0

When OpenACS is configured to omit loading of long deprecated code

(WithDeprecatedCode set to 0) files like deprecated-procs.tcl are not

loaded. Therefore, these files should only contain code, which was

deprecated at LEAST ONE RELEASE EARLIER, such that site admins have

one release time to fix calls to deprecated code. This is especially

important for public procs.

Prefer acs::try_cache where the cache existance cannot be taken for granted (e.g. at upgrade)

Make acs::try_cache more robust to transitional situations during instance upgrade, where the object might exist, but not the method

Ignore also class definitions in the ignored namespaces

ns_quotehtml user submitted value inside error message to prevent potential XSS attack

Ignore the ::nsshell namespace: this is a NaviServer module, hence outside the OpenACS source tree

Document public api

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Add doc to public api, fix obvious bug

Document public api

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Document public api

Document public api

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fix doc definition, add remark

Consider @see annotations as sufficient documentation

Add doc to public api

Make test more precise: some procs have just a newline in their doc instead of meaningful documentation...

Centralize retrieval of the test URL

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Allow to deprecate ad_page_contract_filters, improve doc

Deprecate color widget api, superseded by HTML5 features

Increase proc coverage

Increase test coverage

Deprecate ad_approval_system_inuse_p

Fix implementation of ad_acs_admin_node so that the node_id is returned as stated in the doc

For the one occurrence that treated this proc as boolean, the result will be the same (e.g. 0 = false and any other id = true)

Test some system information api

The test shows that ad_acs_admin_node has so far returned a boolean, countrary to what the documentation says

file acs-kernel-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
When demoting a user, flush the permissions cache as well

Test demoting/promoting of a user + a buch of other api

This test fails now when checking if a demoted user is still an swa, one needs to flush the permissions as well

    • -1
    • +103
Test acs_user::ScreenName

    • -1
    • +42