• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
ad_form: allow multiple files in 'template::widget::file' by using the 'multiple' attribute of the input tag, new on HTML5.

- Pass the 'multiple' flag to 'template::element::create', so it can be used by widgets to modify their behavior.

- Update 'template::element::create' doc.

- This opens the door to reducing the number of widgets by combining single and multivalued ones into one (for instance, 'multiselect' and 'select' widgets), in the same way the 'file' widget does now.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
implemented suggestion #3412 (many thanks to Rainer Bachleitner)

support different delimiters in template::list::write_csv.

reduce verbosity

replace hardcoded /tmp by API function [ad_tmpdir]

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
template::reset_request_vars must be executed for all requests in the cleanup

this is already happening via "ns_ictl trace freeconn", but we keep

for the time being this as a reminder, when merging with different versions, etc.

make sure that ::template::reset_request_vars is run at the end of every request

fix for issue #3400

template::add_event_listener: use more compact form in most simple cases

remove quites from number

Trailing whitespace cleanup

Quote form field values in validation error messages to prevent XSS attacks

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
fix issue #3392, improve testability via paramterization of clock value, add regression test, improve Tcl sanity

white space changes

Deprecate unamusing template::util::date::now_min_interval_plus_hour

Fix obvious bug; Note that the proc is still buggy, as it blindly incr's the hour value, even if it is 23 o'clock

Fix log warning message

template::add_event_listener: added documentation of flags "usecapture" and "preventdefault"

revert "-version" change since

- appending the version to the URL is a hack, not compatible with other versioning approaches

- it is not compatible with resource URNs,

- a more complex version managemnt is needed when dealing with

multiple versions in an installation.

Add parameter 'version' also to 'template::head::add_javascript' and 'template::head::add_script'

Add parameter 'version' to both 'template::head::add_css' and 'template::head::flush_link', in order to add a version to certain resources, as a query parameter, to perform 'cache busting' and forcing retrieval of stale files by the browser

Quote the value of the "inform"-widget value before rendering it

Quote the value of the "inform"-widget value before rendering it

support Subresource Integrity (SRI) settings in template::head::add_css (crossorigin and integrity)

added: template::head::can_resolve_urn

Add URN-resover for add_body_script

add URN handler to support delivering of registered URNs. This is necessary

for e.g. javascript files, that want to request such files

file head-init.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

improve spelling

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Replace ad_decode idioms

Replace ad_decode idiom