• last updated 15 hours ago
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ADP-parsing for form content

- new method "PageInstance->adp_parse_tags"

This method is similar to

template::adp_compile -string $HTML

but it just performs tag substion (and not ADP variable

substitution, since this is done differently concerning instance

attributes, etc) on the provided HTML chunk.

- apply adp_parse_tags on "PageInstance->get_form". This means that

every "form" (no matter whether this comes from the instance

attributes of from the instance variable) run through the ADP tag


Make use of uniform styling based on adp:icon

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
committed missing file

file xowiki-bootstrap5-specific.css was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
provide basic support to make bootstrap3 and 5 switchable

bumped version to 5.10.1d25

Alignments for Bootstrap 5

Also, use form.form for creating forms from the menubar instead of

old-strle ::xowiki::Forms. Aligned as well regression test to use


Bump version number to 5.10.1d24

increase robustness

use preferred idioms to use btn-default/btn-secondary for bootstrap3/bootstrap5

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Perform stricter checking of parent_ids

bump version number of xowiki to 5.10.1d22

whitespace changes

Prefer "... orderby ... -type ..." over mixin for sorting

Make use of extended functionality of OrderedComposite->orderby

- Removed manual adding of mixin ::xo::OrderedComposite::IndexCompare

in "toc" includelet and in xowiki::TableWidget->create_from_form_fields

- xowiki::TableWidget->create_from_form_fields:

added type map to allow caller to specify, on which attributes e.g.

a numeric comparison should be used.

- bumped version number to 5.10.1d22

stick with integer for purely nsf-based checks in public code.

Added API call "CrClass ad_proc id_belongs_to_package"

The new API call is useful for checking input validity, i.e.

whether to provided revision_id or item_id belongs to the specified package.

bump version number of xowiki to 5.10.1d21

bump version number of xotcl-core to 5.10.1d5

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
check parent_id more properly

prefer variable ::acs::rootdir over proc [acs_root_dir]

improve page contract

Revert port of downstream feature: the same check can be performed more flexibly via the condition=regexp and condition=match

Port of downstream feature: condition proc on the FormPage checking that a page name respects some regular expression

Fix typo

Make sure result is defined, small improvements

Port of old local modification: when mime type is text/plain, feed the content straight to the indexer, rather than render the file as HTML, then convert it again to text in the search indexer

prefer global variable over proc

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
refine form.form and validation errors

provide (non-default) message keys for "form.form.page"

    • -6
    • +10
align instance variable values of formfield "form" with "textarea" to make subclassing simpler

Fix provide language prefixes for pages in the test

Fix template case

add minimal check that page is from the current package

improve robustness on invalid input