• last updated 8 hours ago
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add canvas evaluation scheme of MC questions

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Treat disabled form fields as they are: fields that the browser would not send to us and need to be treated "internally"

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fix typo

Delete CKEditor 3 (which was replaced by CKEditor 4 in 2012)

CKEditor 4 is continued to be supported.

  1. … 605 more files in changeset.
comment recent smelly change

+CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Support specification of allowed tags/attributes/protocols via global package parameters.

This change makes it possible to define for a package values for

AllowedTags, AllowedAttributes, or AllowedProtocols. If (some of)

these exist, use these for configuring "ad_html_security_check". If +

not, fall back to the default (site wide) definition.

This change is fully backward compatible and effects on sites defining

such global parameters. This change was induced by the need of large

sites, where it is not feasible to set these parameters on the package

instance level, since this site has 830000 packages instances.

Bump version number to 5.10.1d19

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Actually not enforce options validation on disabled formfields

The reorder_box must always be treated as a multiple field

Explicitly set the :plugin <variable>

Support the extraPlugins attribute the same as the CKEditor4 richtext formfield, as some places in xowiki assume it

issue error for unexpected value

date formfield does not need special conversion when converting to external, its value is already converted when rendered

deactivate language tool when spellcheck is turned off

Added validation on values provided for options

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Differentiate the case of a field being a repeat field or a "normal" coumpound field: in the first case, the whole 'internal' should be converted regardless of the number of components, in the latter, keep the previous behavior

Fixes xowiki create_form_with_numeric after regression in https://cvs.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=oacs-5-10%3Aantoniop%3A20220117174044

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
handle empty list elements in spec_list of "create_components"

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
added "convert_to_external" for Compound fieds, save result of convert_to_internal in the form-field value

output warning for unexpected input

Various small improvements:

- Page->content_header_append/content_header_get: new methods to

include HTML content before the form. One use case ist to include

additional forms this way, since these cannot be included in the

main form of a FormPage. The additional content is displayed in the

www-view method.

- FormPage->create_form_fields_from_names: new convenience function to create

form-fields via their names. The definitions of the named form-fields are

taken from the provided form_constraints. This function is useful when

only a subset of the form-constraints definitions should be used

to create form-fields.

- improve comments

- improve argument checking on parent_id to be able to provide better

error messages

- reduce usage of regexp for performance reasons

- improve spelling

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
use "throw" in exception handling with "try"

Fail with the actual error message when parsing the value fails, rather than because of "result" variable not being set

- Define converters as procs

- Register these procs as aliases where convenient

- this effects:

dict_to_fc, dict_to_spec, spec_to_dict, fc_to_dict, dict_value

- extended regression test

- bumped version number to 5.10.1d9

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Added archiving of items, reduced usage of images for icons

When an item is archived, it is not shown to plain users. Internally,

when an item is archived, the publish status is changed to "expired"

and removed from search/syndication. When an item is archived, it can

be brought via "toggle-publish-status" to state "production" again.

Future versions might rename the item in such conditions, but

currently, it is NOT renamed, so one cannot create one more item in

the same folder with the same name.

For realizing this functionality, the includelet "form-usages" accepts

now an additional optional value for "-buttons" named "archive". The

publish status toggle can be used now for switching from

"production"->"ready", "ready"->"production" and


Additionally, the usage of .png images as icons was reduced by CSS

elements for easier styling (e.g., for different themes) and for

reducing less server requests and better responsiveness. In particular

the images for active.png and inactive.png are not necessary any more

and were removed.

Bumped version number to 5.10.1d8 to enforce loading of the message


  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
define javascript input handler for formfield class numeric to prevent non-numeric input while preserving the multi-lingual interpretation

make log entries more uniform

prefer standard OpenACS API for accessing parameters

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
modernize idiom

minor update of call pattern and debug line

Refactor form-field statistics (part 1)

- Start move of statistics from being collected in form-fields to

collecting these in the workflow objects. The original code was

developed with less randomization (e.g. no x out of y alternatives)

which requires that the formfields have to be reset multiple times

(e.g. for multiple students in the exam protocol). The exam-protocol

handler cleans regularly the form-fields, which caused also the

deletion of statistics. Collecting these in the (exam) workflow is


- Collect correct and incorrect statistics per alternative. Since

different students might see different alternatives calculating the

successrate can only be performed by the students having seens this


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
deactivate grammarly as well, when spellcheck is turned off for textarea