• last updated 23 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -18
    • +0
Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -26
    • +0
Whitespace cleanup

Deprecate obsolete api

Implement operation in a way that oracle is supported

Add @see for deprecated procs

Use portable idioms

Use ad_include_contract

Whitespace cleanup

Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -42
    • +0
    • -43
    • +0
improve comments

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
adding missing displayed_object_id, to get CKfinder working

improve spelling

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
Use 'attachments::detach_url' instead of building manually the URL

Remove form debug code

Forum attachments reform.

- Add new style of attachments to the forums, allowing multiple attachments to a single message directly from the message post page, using the multiple file input widget.

- Retain compatibility with old style attachments, using the new 'AttachmentStyle' package instance parameter. Currently, this supports two values: 'simple' (new behavior) and 'complex' previous behavior.

- Both attachment styles can coexist, and attachments added by any of such methods will be shown.

- Improve the contract on 'forums/lib/message/post.tcl'.

- Show attachments on message preview.

- Bump version number.

Add 'alt_template' to include contract

Add include contract and 'preview' view to the attachment list

Require admin privileges for attachment deletion in the forum, the same as for message editing

Put the delete link to the right of the attachment

Add the 'detach' option on the attachment list, for users with write permissions on the message

Center icons on attachment list

Generalize attachment size logic in forum posts, so different object types, such as 'content_item', 'content_revision', and their subtypes, are supported

    • -15
    • +33
Move 'util::content_size_pretty' into 'acs-lang' and rename it to 'lc_content_size_pretty', localicing 'bytes' and adapting automated tests. Bump 'acs-lang' version.

  1. … 41 more files in changeset.
Improve content_type detection on forum attachments, and avoid redirecting to external hosts on URLs

Url attachments in forums: use URL icon and avoid showing the size

Show attachment size in forum messages

Whitespace changes

Use the attachment icon, available since 10+ years, for forums attachments.

Use same capitalization policy as other message keys in the same form. Bump version to reload message keys.