• last updated 22 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Improve test

    • -0
    • +10
Collect common definition of an argspec flag in a proc to improve clarity

Introduce a new clock ad_page_contract filter:

this filter enforces that a datestring belongs to one of the clock formats specified in the argspec. By default, this will be %Y-%m-%d.


ad_page/include_contract argspec parsing reform: allow arbitrary characters in the argspec flag parameters

This reform allows to specify an argspec containing pipes, parenthesys and other so far forbidden characters as parameters for a flag. The purpose is to enhance the expressiveness of existing validators (e.g. the oneof validator) and enable new one, for instance, a date validator using a clock format as parameter.

Pipes and parenthesys need to be escaped via the backslash character in the new syntax.

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file tcl-documentation-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

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Fix array format in message keys

See acs-lang.message__format automated test, where the expected behavior of lang::message::format is documented

    • -4
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provide compatibility with tdom 0.9.3

Add @see to deprecated procs

Add @see to deprecated procs

Add @see to deprecated procs

Add @see to deprecated procs

Deprecate ad_apply, made obsolete in modern Tcl by the expansion operator "{*}"

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Handle upcoming tDOM 0.9.3

This might need some further rethinking

provided a default value for udp:// requests

added ADP:ICON to the list of accepted tags (for new instances)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Make api public

security::cookie_name: since this is used in acs-lang, it has to be public

Added dynamic cluster configuration checking

- handle cases, where not all cluster nodes are available at startup

time (this is a problem for docker, since the IP addresses will not

be available as well)

- handle dynamic changing of configuration variables

- refactored code

- new methods "acs::Cluster register_nodes" and

"acs::Cluster refresh_blueprint" (called regulary via scheduled

procedure, running every minute)

file cluster-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
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Support the usage of HTTP locations in kernel parameter ClusterPeerIP

The change extends the values specified in ClusterPeerIP in two respects

- one can now specify the protocol (defaults to http)

- while ClusterPeerIP required an IP address, it is now possible to specify an DNS name

The DNS name is resolved for the time being at the start time of the OpenACS instance.

flipping of session_id apparently works without keeping track of the old session_id, so there is no need of keeping track of it

improved comments

Small optimization for cachingmode "none": no need to broadcast cache flushing

fix missing colon (many thanks to Marty Israelsen for reporting)

Use NaviServer feature "ns_deletecookie ... -samesite $samesite ..." when available.

fix brackets

bump version number to 5.10.1d14

    • -2
    • +2
added argument handling to try_cache operations

removed unused query (many thanks to Franz Penz for noting)