• last updated 15 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Bring existing doc in the api-doc, so that documentation__check_proc_doc test case does not complain

Add semicolon ";" to the list of forbidden characters to be stripped when a filename is sanitized

It is not allowed to create a filename with a semicolon on Windows, but it is e.g. on MacOS and Linux, creating a possible interoperability issue

added backward compatibility proc for AOLserver "ns_trim"

whitespace changes: break overlong lines

don't throw error message on transaction rollbacks (these are no errors, but use the same exception handling)

modernize Tcl code: replace array by dict

improved wording in comment

added commit for extending usage of OpenACS filters for other HTTP methods (e.g. in the REST context)

fix typo

reduce verbosity

added example line to ease spotting of the creation of unnamed mutexes

provide name for mutexes to ease spotting potential locks

avoid burst cache hits by using nsvs instead of ns_cache for secret token caching

The problem with the prevision version was that ns_cache has no equivalent

to nsv_array to get in an atomic fashion all key value pairs from the cache.

thefore, for the per-thread caching, a tight loop was used processing

the result of ns_cache_keys. If this was necessary in a high number of

threads, higher lock times were possible (~100ms). The new version

should not face this problem.

Important, although very simple reform in the page-contract filters: do not kill the case in the filter specs, or filters such as "w:oneof(One|Two)" or "locale:oneof(en_US|de_DE)" would not have a chance to match

Note that this makes the contracts stricter with respect to case, which might break obscure use cases...

avoid to try to return an error to client in request processor when connection was already closed

add hook to write changed blueprints

fix typo

report changes in blueprint size when reloading files

improve spelling

whitespace changes

Fix test category misplacement

Take care of string values when these are longer than the randomized length

Whitespace changes

Set tests as 'production_safe'

add i-can-use rule for "ns_urlencode -part oauth1"

revert escaped change

make proxy exec more compatible with tcl exec: support flags "-ignorestderr" and "--"

Do rollback after test run

Prefer 'namespace which' over 'info commands', as it is faster (on local tests, around 2x) and returns a single value. Many thanks to Nathan Coulter.

  1. … 44 more files in changeset.
Fix for issue #3446

This fixes a bug, where the ordering of the site-nodes in the answer

set of the select_child_site_nodes query in site_node::update_cache

led to disappearing entries in the site map, when additional

items were added. This bug happened in the old-style

(nsv-based) site-node impementation, which is used, when no

xotcl is available.

Many thanks to Keith Paskett for debugging and the fix.

    • -16
    • +19