• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Make parameter::get_from_package_key usable during inital boot

This change makes parameter::get_from_package_key usable during

initial boot, i.e. before the table apm_parameters is created.

In these cases, the function returns just the default value.

Support memory units as default of the cache sizes

update questionable test slightly

improve spelling and formulations

Added new interface for calling database functions

This is tested for PostgreSQL and Oracle and the drivers nsdb and nsdbi.

For details, see https://openacs.org/xowiki/calling-database-functions

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
file acs-db-00-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file acs-db-12-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

minor cleanup to make code more consistent

util::file_content_check: new utility for checking content of a file

Check whether the provided file is of the requested type.

This function is more robust and protable than relying on

external programs and their output, but it does not work on

all possible file types. It checks a few common cases that

could lead to problems otherwise, like when uploading archives.

Bump version to 5.10.1d9

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
minor changes: don't complain about postgres internal constraint names, provide hints for oversizing

more cases, use same testing idiom for permissions everywhere, break overlong lines

    • -10
    • +16
fix test cases

    • -14
    • +14
revert last change of Antonio, since this kills Oracle again

It is not clear, which code needs integer as results for Boolean results.

If there is such code, it should handle this requirement locally.

Reintroduce cast to integer using a portable idiom

Fixes for Oracle 19c: invalid cast to integer

This fixes the following bug for Oracle:

: invalid positional variable `:', valid values start with 1

: while executing

: "ns_ora 0or1row nsdb0 {

: select acs_permission.permission_p(:object_id, :party_id, :privilege)::integer from dual

: }"

fix editing bug

V: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Fixes for Oracle 19c boolean types in query

This fixes the following bug for Oracle:

: select u.user_id,

: u.authority_id,

: u.username,

: u.screen_name,

: u.priv_name,

: u.priv_email,

: u.email_verified_p,

: u.email_bouncing_p,

: u.no_alerts_until,

: u.last_visit,

: to_char(last_visit, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_visit_ansi,

: u.second_to_last_visit,

: to_char(second_to_last_visit, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as second_to_last_visit_ansi,

: u.n_sessions,

: u.password,

: u.salt,

: u.password_question,

: u.password_answer,

: u.password_changed_date,

: extract(day from current_timestamp - password_changed_date) as password_age_days,

: u.auth_token,

: mm.rel_id,

: mr.member_state !>>>!= 'approved' as registered_user_p,

: mr.member_state

: from users u

: left join group_member_map mm on mm.member_id = u.user_id

: and mm.group_id = mm.container_id

: and mm.group_id = :registered_users_group_id

: and mm.rel_type = 'membership_rel'

: left join membership_rels mr on mr.rel_id = mm.rel_id

: where u.user_id = :user_id

fixes for Oracle 19c

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
improve spelling

extend tests and pinpoint essesntials

Cleanup smelly comment: we don't need to catch the error, if it fails it fails and the application should handle it

Minimize and corrrect test: strings containing the null character are expected to fail when fed to the DBMS, even when quoted

New automated test

file db-quoting-test.txt was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Provide a fallback for vhost_url in ad_conn for code executed before this value has been set by the request processor

use "ns_strcoll" for ordered composite when available

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
include timing information in DEBUG lines only, when nsf was configured properly with it

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Deprecate template::util::tcl_to_sql_list, completely replaced by ns_dbquotelist, a native NaviServer command

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
use icanuse machinery for "ns_reflow_text -offset"

improve comment