• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Add 'news_admin_portlet::get_pretty_name' to 'news_portlet_links_names' test case

Add 'faq_admin_portlet::get_pretty_name' and 'faq_portlet::get_pretty_name' to 'faq_portlet_links_names' test case

Add simple test for 'dotlrn_forums_admin_portlet::link'

Add test for 'ref_language::set_data'

file ref-language-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Update message keys from downstream, bump version number to reflect new exam statement export feature

Add 'static_portlet::get_pretty_name' to the 'static_portlet_links_names' test

Whitespace changes

Set theme install/uninstall/uninstantiate callbacks as private

Set 'dotlrn-xowiki' procs without a current implementation to private, for the time being

Fix typo

Use '@return' instead of 'return' in proc doc, and 'ad_proc' instead of proc for 'applet_key' and 'my_package_key' procs

Add 'dotlrn_xowiki_names_keys' testcase, to test different _key and _name procs in 'dotlrn-xowiki'

file xowiki-applet-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Add trivial web-accessible page using examination-statement-export include, enforcing admin permissions on the proctored object, so that packages do not have to create their own

file examination-statement-export.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file examination-statement-export.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Get rid of tmpfile

fix broken variable reference (pg changed?)

Use full URL paths for bulk actions.

This change allows one to mark items from multiple child-resources

displayed on one page and add these to the clipboard. Use the same

logic for bluk-delete and bulk adding to the clipboard.

    • -2
    • +4
    • -10
    • +18
Port examination statement acceptance csv export include to upstream

file examination-statement-export.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

replace array by dict

flag that submission is coming via ajax

www-clipboard-add: allow object to be fully qualified

old conventions continue to work

fix cleanup typo

whitespace changes

new function: acs_ListBulkActionMultiFormClick()


// The function acs_ListBulkActionMultiFormClick() is similar to

// acs_ListBulkActionClick() but it iterates over all forms with the

// same name and submits the input elements of all such forms.


Set install/uninstall callbacks to private

Set install/upgrade/uninstall callbacks to private