• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Don't collide with multirows created by other tests

Do not enforce that body is a list

Fix typo

Performance improvements:

- set variables from the ns_set and extended variables separately

- collect the values and append to the multirow in one sweep

- when no code body is there, just bulk append the values

This appears to be ~5% faster than db_multirow when both are invoked with a code body and ~30% faster when invoked without (with no prepared statements)

Simplify idiom

Fix behavior of continue in the multirow code block, make the generic fallback behave the same as the postgres version with respect to appending

Test ::xo::dc multirow further

- break and continue behavior in the code block (this will expose a bug)

- appending to an existing multirow

Cleanup leftover line

Extend automated tests to cover new ::xo::dc multirow api

Provide an ::xo::dc api to generate multirows

Notable differences with the classical db_multirow:

- a multirow will always be appended when it already exists. The constraint that the two multirows must have the same columns remains.

- no "if_no_rows_code_block"

- no unclobber

- no subst, do it yourself :-)

- no cache stuff

- support for prepared statements

The remaining behavior has been kept the same, e.g. variables will always be reset to empty string, even if they existed outside of the code block. Compatibility has been checked with knowns idiosyncrasies.

Remove test of undocumented format to specify prepared statement

Provide, as for other interfaces, a Postgres implementation of database foreach that will support prepared statements won't just wrap the db_* api

Make sure the original SQL stays unchanged, as it is used e.g. in the nsv storing the statement and in log messages

Basic test of xo::dc foreach when using prepared statements

This api currently supports the flag, but will ignore it

Improve the approach with strings containing colons in prepared SQL statements:

we first normalize all strings with a safe placeholder, substitute the variables, then put the strings back in place.

Extend test for prepared statements containing strings with colon characters, exposing that the latest commit won't address all cases

Make test more consistent

Improve the regexp detecting variables in a prepared statement, so that a prepared variable must not be preceded by a semicolon (as before), but also by any character allowed for a variable name

Introduce a test exposing that when a statement is prepared on SQL containing colons, this sould fail because they would be interpreted as variables

Allow to prepare a statement with no parameters (See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/sql-prepare.html)

Basic test of the prepared statements feature on ::xo::dc api

whitespace change

remove legacy code

improve spelling

improve spelling

improve spelling

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Make use of new API "ad_mktmpdir" and "ad_opentmpfile" instead of "ad_tmpnam"

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Deescalation: the usage of the pairs in export_vars is not so dangerous as it looked at first sight.

The problem case was originating from the call

lappend __vars [lindex $_var 0] [uplevel subst [lindex $_var 1]]

which calls Tcl's "uplevel" with two arguments. In this case, the arguments

are concatenated and the evaluated in the caller's frame. There is a substitution

before the evaluation. When just one argument is passed in, this problem there

is only one evaluation:

lappend __vars [lindex $_var 0] [uplevel [list subst [lindex $_var 1]]]

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added support for passing parameter_name:value_constraint to xowiki::Package->get_parameter

- The get_parameter method can get values from query-parameters, therefore

we have to validate these.

- Use the new feature at several places (especially for boolean values)

- Still, more places should be checked

- bumped xowiki to 5.10.1d37

- bumped xotcl-core to 5.10.1d14

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
add missing brackets