more upstream version updates (font-awesome, bootstrap-icons)font-awesome 6.4.2 (e.g. twitter -> "x" brand icon change) Icons v1.11.1 (100 new icons, including brand icon "x")now including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons,new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and .... in total more than 2,000 icons
bugfix for azure content with multibyte charactersThis change fixes two bugs:a) base64decode was used instead of base64urldecodeb) the binary flag is harmful, since this leads to double-encodingMany thanks to Sebastian Scheder for the fix.
Fix for sitebug #150 (security relevant)The login widget at the navbar contained in its query variablethe password of a user in plain text (e.g. when the user hasmistyped the password, but as well on other error conditions).Now, the password is filterer in the return_url in such cases.Many thanks to Khy H for reporting this bug.For details, see