• last updated 4 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added warning, when (not all) requested forms could not be loaded.

Reduced verbosity.

add more more option for quick debugging passed in form data

    • -2
    • +3
add warning to log file, when a HTML form-data is passed in fro which we have no form-fields defined

    • -1
    • +3
More restricted checking for object_ids

This avoids SQL errors in cases, where values are passed in via query variables

which are valid integers but out of range for SQL integer, which are 32-bit

integers. The better solution would even be to define an NSF argument type

"object_id", but unfortunately, this requires a newer version of NSF than

we target for the release.

    • -9
    • +9
- Added new method extra_html_fields to provide an easy means to add

extra HTML fields to the form autogenerated for form pages

- bump version number to 5.10.0d79

    • -2
    • +2
Added feature to auto lauch LTI login forms upon page loading. This is especially useful when embedding LTI content using an iframe.

improved spelling

Added page_contract filter "object_id"

This change adds the page_contract filter "object_id", which validates

values whether these are syntactically acceptable as object_ids in

PostgreSQL and Oracle.

Note that before one is able to use the filter, the server has to be

restarted. Otherwise, when e.g. "apm/version_reload.tcl" would be

executed with the new filter, it would fail. So, one has to be careful

on update scripts, when people upgrade from old version not to create

a blocking mutual blocking condition.

    • -2
    • +2
improve comments

use util::unzip instead of plain "exec unzip" commands

add question_info_block to documentation block

new variant of zip_file_contains_valid_filenames independent of "unuip -l"

unfortunately the behavior of "unzip -l" differs not only between

macOS and Linux, but even between different linux families, although

showing the same version.

Refine regular expression used for the detection of Includelets

    • -2
    • +2
add explicit return to be more human readable

split out question_info_block

fix typo

bugfix: pass "-revisions" to "render_proctor_images" since it is needed there

fix braces for return_url

improve handling of zip files that contain filenames, which are not valid UTF-8

Replace handcrafted form with 'ad_form'. Many thanks to Monika Andergassen.

file transcript-new.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Remove obsolete file that was re-added to the oacs-5-10 branch.

Prefer portable limit idiom, streamline query, "bad postgres" does not need this...

force en_US locale

added attachments for text_interaction

preserve colors for printing "match-contains" and "match-contains-not"

Background: bootstrap.css removes all backgrounds per default.

whitespace changes

whitespace changes (eliminate tabs)

improve spelling

use language prefix from system locale