• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Deprecate ad_apply, made obsolete in modern Tcl by the expansion operator "{*}"

Whitespace cleanup

    • -4
    • +4
Avoid message keys from packages outside the dependency tree, provide a way to customize the proctoring session name

Prefer a message key in the dependency tree of this package

Whitespace cleanup

Use quicker idiom to check for existance

Whitespace cleanup

Whitespace changes

Prefer api to retrieve the approval state of a user

Complete coverage for the notification package

Brutally delete the notification requests before deleting the delivery method (it's fine because it will be rolled back)

Fix issue in the query logics: we actually want to check the owner of the request, there might be multiple requests associated to the same object

Extend coverage, this will expose an api bug

added proper handling of overfull recurrence rule lines

    • -3
    • +3
added proper handling of overfull recurrence rule lines

Whitespace cleanup

Port of downstream commit by Markus Moser: do not use pg query parser to substitute user_id because substitution will take place at a time when :user_id is not available anymore

According to thr RFC, there is no need to specify single quotes in the BYDAY rule, also because in some cornercase, they might produce a line longer than 76 characters

See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5545

Fixes downstream automated tests

Whitespace cleanup

Whitespace changes

Extend coverage

Cover more api

Extend automated tests

Allow to specify a user that does not come from the connection

Expand tests

Improve test a bit

Update documentation to best practices

Fix proc signature

Replace leftover occurrences