• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added debugging hook for tracing CSRF livecyle

improved log messages to pinpoint location and reason

removed manual default entries from the info texts.

The actual default value is displayed by the parameter page, there is no need

to duplicate this information.

New feature: Display defaults together with actual values in parameter page.

This features makes it easier to see, what paramters were changed locally from

the defaults, without relying on the info messages.

fixed variable name

provent passwords from form being logged via ad_log

Replace deprecated proc call

Fix proc doc

Whitespace changes

New method 'group renew' for the MS Graph API support.

Introduce SSE notifications on the page, but bind their availability and usage to a package parameter set to false by default

Provide a Notification API implementation for rendering notifications obtained via the SSE backend

This include should be used e.g. on the website master so that SSE notifications are displayed whenever occurring. We do not do it by default for now.

    • -0
    • +50
Consume element(html) when attributes are merged, to prevent possible subsequent executions from repeating the same attributes

See https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=7392341

ad_return_url: provide a positive list and a negative list for selecting included query variables

The new parameters follow the terminology of the "export_vars" command.

Fix typo

many thanks to Simone Pesci for the report

ad_return_url: new parameter "-exclude"

This change allows to exclude certain variables (which are e.g. considered as

confidential) from the form, which computes the return_url.

The change is based on a feature request in the OpenACS forums by Josue Cardona.

added tclhttp to system statistics

reapplied post 5-10 release fix

Many thanks to Claudio Pasolini for reporting and identifying the problem!

fixed bug security::validated_host_header

Many thanks to Claudio Pasolini for reporting and identifying the problem!

Fixed 2 bugs: with remote code repository

- fixed repository URL when trying to "install-from-repositry"

on a checkout from the HEAD channel. The code tried to fetch

from a channel "6-0", which does not exist.

- determine the exact repository tag for repository channels

unset temporary variables which would be kept in the in the ::xowiki namespace

    • -1
    • +3
streamline spelling

fixed typo

Bumped upstream version of highcharts to 12.1.2

bumped version of fa icons to 6.7.2

Ported essential post-release fixes from oacs-5-10 branch

    • -8
    • +14
    • -1
    • +1
improved comments

backport from oacs-head, otherwise the cache viewer is unusuable

fixed page contract for cache viewer