• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
mark end of switches to improve robustness, to support '-' in word variable

fix typo: list element '1' is the upper limit

improve spelling

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Improved styling of delete buttons

Added code to configure file-upload button (for now deactivated)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
improve spelling

break overlong lines

remove empty descriptions from display, remove deactivated CSS class.

Apply a mild filename sanitization to the file formfield

report points from text_fields (used in short-text questions) when available

generalize correct_when handling: allow for every modifier a "-nocase" option

reorder_box: provide correction_data

provide a short hint how to allow swa always pasting

allow points computation in cases, where some grading schemes fail.

Before, the grading code was overly conservative and refused to

compute achieved points in such cases

new form-field class: boolean_checkbox

behaves like boolean, but provdes just a single checkbox instead of yes/no radio in "boolean"

the output is full compatible with "boolean".

The boolean_checkbox is used in test-item procs for a more slim correct/incorrect specification

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
fixed ckeditor form field for inline mode.

use inline mode for editing test items

added a describe funtion for MC items

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
candidate_box_select: provide optional the feature to keep the user selected order

The change is fully backward compatible. Per default, the order in the actual

selected values is the same as in the candidate selection box. When

the new parameter "keep_order" is provided, the order of the selected

values is kept as selected by the user.

Localize already at the pretty value, otherwise things such as the wikicmds will not be evaluated

move localized_richtext to the right place in the file to ensure initial loading

make localizer insensitive, when main input field is insensitive

additional form-field class "localized_richtext"

This class is very similar to localized_text, but for richtext widgets

(internationalized text with richtext markup) instead of plain text

improve comment

Added points in addition to minutes to test items and inclass-exam workflows

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
return raw value for form-fields of type label, when disableOutputEscaping is set

reduce verbosity

fix typo

undo recent changes on too global localizations

The new form-field class localized_text text solves the goals

of for providing a formfield interface to message keys in a

loca fashion rather than altering the behavior of all form

field and of all property interfaces.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
New form-field class: localized_text

This class can be used to provide an interface for specifying

internationalized text strings saved in message keys via input

from a form. When editing the content provided via the input field

is saved together with an item-specific message keys in the

message key tables via lang::util::convert_to_i18n.

This formfield class is especially useful for xowiki items which

have no language-prefix (e.g. folders or links). In other cases it

is probably still a better idea to create same named pages with

different language prefixes.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Disable any conversion on the _name property (:name Page instance variable): this property is special and receives already its necessary conversion at validation time, happening before conversion time and should not be overridden

Implement 'language_specific' formfields and 'localized' FormPage properties:

- properties can be stored and retrieved specifying a -localized flag: this flag will make transparently store and retrieve the property value from a custom message key created in the acs-translations package referencing the FormPage. This localization mechanism is additional to that of language-prefixed pages and can address the need of multi-language content for non-prefixable objects such as folders

- via specifying language_specific in the formfield spec, one can enable this new localization mechanism when interacting with the FormPage via a xowiki::Form

TODO: handle export/import of pages (e.g. serializing available translation and generate the new message keys for the imported page), add some nicer UI to make the user aware of e.g. current translation context

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Improve sql portability

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
make "instantiate_forms" a method of packages

this reads better than the previous variant based on the Weblog class.

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.