• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- improve page-contracts

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
- use consistently "naturalnum" instead of "integer" when accepting just positive values

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
- added pg9.1+ patches Cesareo Garcia Rodicio

- bumped version number

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- use property doc(title) rather than title

- brace expressions

- favor tcl-compilable string comparisons

- replace deprecated "ad_get_user_id" by "ad_conn user_id"

- replace deprecated "export_url_vars" by "export_vars"

- replace deprecated "export_form_vars" by "export_vars"

- replace deprecated "philg_quote_double_quotes" "by ad_quotehtml"

- replace deprecated "ad_parameter" by "parameter::get"

- replace deprecated "ad_require_permission" by "permission::require_permission"

- use $$ quoting in postgres SQL

- use named parameters for SQL functions

- provide compatility with pg9

- fix/complete define_function_args

- bumped version number to 5.8.0

  1. … 36 more files in changeset.
fix multirow variables

Refactored to use listtemplate. HTML cleanup.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
1. Merge 2.4.1 to HEAD other than assessment, imsld, lorsm, and views.

2. Bump version numbers to 2.5.0d1.

  1. … 376 more files in changeset.
Checkpoint 3.7 (level AA): Mark up quotations. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation.

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
HTML Strict cleanup

First shot at merging oacs-5-2 apps used in .LRN to HEAD.

  1. … 2478 more files in changeset.
commit to OACS-5-2 merge of changes on OACS-5-1

(using tag vg-merge-dotlrn-2-1-20050922) for packages under dotlrn-all

  1. … 47 more files in changeset.
change ad_verify_and_get_user_id to ad_conn user_id, change ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration to auth::require_login, make some db_ and dt_ function -public

  1. … 689 more files in changeset.
commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20050111 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050224

  1. … 321 more files in changeset.
fix context bar

context bar fixes from tom ayles and a portlet adp include in ./lib

  1. … 47 more files in changeset.
Removing spurious linebreak escapes.

commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050111

  1. … 2261 more files in changeset.
Missing postgres support. Added query I found somewhere else. Hope this fixes the issue

Missing postgres support. Still missing as I did not port count_response

file respond-postgresql.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

    • -0
    • +0
Moved the lc_time_fmt call to the if block where it's actually used. This call adds a few ms per loop iteration, which sounds small, but adds up quickly because we loop once per person per question. The unnecessary calls were adding several minutes' delay on some of Sloan's larger surveys.

bulk mail to everyone had a typo. bulk mail to people who had not responded was hugely slow

survey responses showing the correct display dispite the admin editing a response

making it so the original respondent is listed instead of the admin

    • -15
    • +16
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
fix from Sloan: add button for admin to edit any survey response, and fix bug where all survey file attachments were shown if there was one at all

file respond.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file respond-oracle.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file process-response.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file process-response.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.