• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
parameter AllowedTag: added <adp:toggle_button> to default value

bumped version numbers to 5.10.1b1

  1. … 85 more files in changeset.
file upgrade-5.10.1d10-5.18.1d19.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

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file upgrade-5.10.1d18-5.10.1d19.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

made names of SQL functions explicit to ease calling directly from the Tcl level

Remove no_alarms_until column

Rationale: the column or the related api is never used in upstream code to check whether notifications should be sent or not or not. The UI to manage the column's value was not linked anywhere. On the instances accessible by me downstream, no tuple was found where this column had a value.

    • -27
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  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
file upgrade-5.10.1d17-5.10.1d18.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

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Added proc "membership_rel::expire" so that all membership states are now covered. Note: The Oracle part is best effort only!

    • -1
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    • +25
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
file upgrade-5.10.1d16-5.10.1d17.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

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Cluster reform

- Support for dynamic cluster nodes:

Previous versions of OpenACS required to know the IP addresses of

the cluster nodes in advance, which is a show-stopper for many cloud


The new functionality allows arbitrary nodes to register as client

nodes at the canonical server, provided that these know a shared

secret. All messages of the intra-cluster talk are now

cryptographically signed using this shared secret.

In the current version, the shared secret key has to be specified in

the NaviServer configuration file (ClusterSecret). Later versions

will support the use of other measures such as generated keys, kept

as files.

Also in the new version it is still possible to use static peer

addresses (which do not have to register during startup).

- Support for multiple protocols for intra-cluster talk

Previous version of OpenACS required the communication of the

intra-cluster talk over HTTP. With these changes, multiple protocols

are supported. Most prominently HTTPS can be used, which is required

by some organization for all web communication, especially for cloud

applications. Other protocols might be added later (e.g. UDP).

- Nodes (such as the canonical server) can be specified via URL

locations. These location specifier have the following advantages

over classical IP address and port.

* support different protocols (http, https, udp)

* support of IP addresses or DNS names

* when DNS names map to multiple IP addresses

(e.g. multiple IPv4 and/or multiple IPv6 addresses)

the new parameter PreferredLocationRegexp can be use

to select the wanted. When this regexp does not match

any of the addresses, the first address is used.

* ports are now optional (except UDP)

* for location specifier: https://openacs.org

- Support for cluster communication statistics

(requires xotcl-request-monitor)

These statistics show the amount of intra-server

communication. The following statistics are collected

per node:

- number of broadcast operations

- number of send operations (active flushes)

- number of receive operation (passive flushes)

For N cluster nodes, the send operations are

basically the number of broadcast operations times

the number of nodes minus one.

These statistics can also be used prior to cluster

enabling, to obtain the number of potential broadcast


Kernel Parameters

CanonicalServer : location of the canonical server

ClusterAuthorizedIP : obsolete

ClusterEnabledP : unchanged

ClusterPeerIP : obsolete

EnableLoggingP : unchanged

PreferredLocationRegexp : new

DynamicClusterPeers : new, no not edit

Differences between old and new value for "CanonicalServer":


- specify IP address with port

- example:


- specify URL location

- support different protocols (http, https, udp)

- support of IP address or domain name

- when domain name maps to different IP addresses

(e.g. multiple IPv4 and/or multiple IPv6 addresses)

PreferredLocationRegexp can be use to select the wanted.

When the provided regexp does not match any of

the addresses, take the first address.

- port is optional

- example: https://openacs.org

Sample setup


CanonicalServer :

ClusterAuthorizedIP :

ClusterPeerIP :

ClusterEnabledP : 1

EnableLoggingP : 1


CanonicalServer : https://openacs.org

PreferredLocationRegexp : https://

ClusterEnabledP : 1

EnableLoggingP : 1


# Cluster secret for intra-cluster communications in NaviServer

# configuration file. Clustering will not be enabled if no value is

# provided.


ns_section ns/server/$server/acs {

# ...

ns_param ClusterSecret "please change me"



# Support for munin statistics


# 1) install munin plugins for naviserver (munin-plugins-ns.git)

# 2) add link to the munin plugins (replace "openacs" by the name

# of your server in the munin configuration)

# /etc/munin/plugins/naviserver_openacs_count_cluster -> /usr/share/munin/plugins/naviserver_count

# 3) in the plugin plugin configuration (e.g., etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/naviserver)

# add a section like the following (again, replace "openacs" by the server name you used)


# [naviserver_openacs_count_cluster]

# env.title Cluster

# env.vars cluster:broadcast cluster:sent cluster:received


# 4) restart munin

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Deprecate acs_privacy:: api and inline the few usages in the dotlrn packages

See https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=5672076

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
new partial index for a common query

... checking for "approved" members

file upgrade-5.10.1d13-5.10.1d14.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

make update script more robust in case the table acs_privilege_descendant_map was already dropped

The old version worked on pg14, but as it looks, not on earlier pg versions.

Cleanup leftover util user messages, that we won't persist anymore

file upgrade-5.10.1d12-5.10.1d13.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Cleanup of acs_object_context_index' and friends in creation scripts

This change completes the commit [1] from 2019, where the cleanup was performed

acs_object_context_index and its maintenance functions just as an update script.

This change addresses this also in the creation scripts and in packages, still

depending on the old functions.

[1] https://fisheye.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=oacs-5-10%3Ahectorr%3A20190708160122

    • -308
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  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
file upgrade-5.10.1d11-5.10.1d12.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file upgrade-5.10.1d9-5.10.1d10.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Adjust legacy data types of acs_object_types.object_type and acs_objects.object_type

This change addresses the problem mentioned in



which happens in some legacy applications (such as

e.g. openacs.org) where the data types of the following two

attributes are different.



On new installations (at least concerning the last 10 years) these

data types are the same. So, probably an update script was missing

ages ago.

Since this change affects the basic object structure, MANY views

depend on this datatype and have to be dropped and recreate to

allow the correction of the datatype.

Therefore, we do not want to run this script on all sites, but

only on those where it is necessary.

Added membership "expired" to membership states. "expired" can be

used for "dormant" accounts, which are neither "banned" nor "deleted".

    • -0
    • +9
file upgrade-5.10.1d8-5.10.1d9.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
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    • -0
    • +0
added ADP:ICON to the list of accepted tags (for new instances)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Improve robustness of upgrade script for legacy applications

In case, an installation has the legacy view (must be from very old installations)

in place, it is necessary to drop it before registered_users, otherwise

PostgreSQL will complain that it cannot drop view registered_users because

other objects depend on it.

Many thanks to Franz Penz to report this potential problem for old sites.

Align names used in utility db functions in Oracle and PostgreSQL

Over the years, the names used in the function for PostgreSQL and

Oracle drifted away, which is a problem when using call-by-name

convention for stored procedures. Furthermore, recent Oracle versions

do not allow attributes named "table" (for table_name). So the longer

version is now used uniformily. Fortunately, nsf allow abbreviation

for named parameters (like Tcl does), such one can use both

"-table_name" and "-table".

Bumped version number to 5.10.1d7.

    • -0
    • +312
    • -158
    • +157
file upgrade-5.10.1d6-5.10.1d7.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
    • -0
    • +0
file upgrade-5.10.1d5-5.10.1d6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
fix broken function_args definition

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Fixes for Oracle 19c: uppercase consistently in schema queries

All names in the schema data model are in Oracle in uppercase.

Fixes for Oracle 19c: fixed more cases with Problems with Boolean data types

This fixes e.g. the following problem

[16/Feb/2022:20:55:19][3908.7fa5364fa700][-conn:oacs-5-10-0:default:1:9-] Error: SQL(): nsoracle.c:863:OracleExecPLSQLBind: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-06550: line 1, column 13:

: PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type

: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:

: PL/SQL: Statement ignored


: SQL: BEGIN :1 := util.foreign_key_exists(table_name => :table_name,column => :column,reftable => :reftable,refcolumn => :refcolumn); END;

[16/Feb/2022:20:55:19][3908.7fa5364fa700][-conn:oacs-5-10-0:default:1:9-] Notice: ### db_with_handle returned error <nsoracle.c:863:OracleExecPLSQLBind: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-06550: line 1, column 13:

: PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type

: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:

: PL/SQL: Statement ignored


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