• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Don't show instances per default

One more attempt to come to a solution for updating the blueprint, that works for AOLserver as well

don't report hrefs to URLs, except to swas

Reduce number of URLs leading to a validation error (user-history with no user_id)

Bump version of ckeditor to 4.7.1

Don't make the code more complicatd than necessary

Updated spanish translation

Fix update of categories-portlet using www- prefix. Take the chance in this untriggered update to fix discrepancies in foreign key definition hitting xowiki installations born before 0.56

    • -2
    • +2
Fixed translation typo

Updated spanish translation

Setting return_url as optional in perm-include, fixing an issue accessing from /admin/ and probably other places

Updated italian translation

Update italian translation

don't return "0" for [util::trim_leading_zeros ""]

add compatibility function for AOLserver for ns_md5

add "see also" references to parameter::get and "parameter::get_global_value"

Try to program around AOLserver problems: precompute url before producing new blueprint

Update blueprint of the server after successful loading of packages

Use termn "Subsite" consistently als in German (the term "Website" is as well allowed and established in German) and don't use the confusing termn "Unterseite".

beautify link

    • -1
    • +1
fix HTML

    • -1
    • +1
replace broken links

    • -1
    • +1
applying a solution for the minor-version upgrade, not requiring larger refactoring

Setting global var as well in -procs file (debuggin install from repo)

setting global variable in -init proc (actually a last option for upgrades from repository)

We can't source the current setup files, since these perform as well the master loading of OpenACS.

Use "file tail" instead of full path for sourcing tcl file

(re)source top-level tcl-files when copying it

Debug "upgrade from repo strangeness": don't skip loading of acs-tcl files

Remove useless quotes