• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
provide means to show submissions of students per test item

    • -21
    • +33
    • -10
    • +30
allow to specify max upload size in configuration file in KB or MB

Reduce duplication:

index and update_index were in fact implementing a upsert logic. Modern sql allows to write this in a single query and merge the two apis into one. Replace reference in the service contracts as well.

file upgrade-5.10.0d5-5.10.0d6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Bring the implementation of the "Search" operation of the "auth_search" service contract in line with the operation's definition by correcting the returned value ("username" instead of "user_id") and restricting the search to the local authority.

Fix typo

Handle correctly the indexing of moderated messages in fulltext search:

so far the fulltext search would also include unapproved messages and threads. With this reform we address this by:

- making sure unapproved threads are deleted from the index

- making sure new threads are added to the index only when the are approved

- making sure we unindex or reindex a thread whenever the approval state changes

- not fetching unapproved messages in the datasource callback, hence excluding them from the index

Note that Oracle has not been targeted by the reform. However, the situation improves for Oracle as well, because we won't render unmoderated messages in the datasource callback anymore.

    • -2
    • +2
file upgrade-1.4.0d3-1.4.0d4.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

improve spelling

Streamline idiom: we are only interested in the user ids

Fix typo in comment

When sending a notification on behalf of a person, if the system is not configured to process replies to notification, do not set the reply-to address to anything different than the sender

Prefer api to hardcoded urls

Address long standing todo: view news_items_live_or_submitted is defined for oracle exactly as the "workaround query" was doing, that is, from cr_revisions.content column

    • -13
    • +0
    • -15
    • +1
Whitespace changes

    • -25
    • +1
Don't display an empty list element when comment_url is empty

Whitespace cleanup

Now that the proctoring display UI has been ported, notify by default new proctoring events via websockets

Do not handle 400 responses in any special way: cases found in practice were always the result of a client-side timeout

Hide timing information from the user

Streamline proctoring upload:

- do not hardcode a timeout, requests will either complete or eventually fail

- use a single event handler at the end of the request to decide if and how to reschedule the upload. This prevents the possibility that the same error event triggers multiple uploads via different handlers

- improve documentation

improve error messages for autosave-handler

added type per question to exam overview

provide a nicer exam-overview

    • -26
    • +81
intensify argument checking

    • -1
    • +1
    • -3
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
make function "get_current_folder" more robust in case invalid data is fed in

new web-callback method "www-update-references"

This method can be called on the package-level to

referesh all page references (from wiki-links) for

an instance.

    • -3
    • +39
Added support for "-orderby" to includeletes "toc" and "book"

Previously, these includelets could be only used when a page_order was given.

In some cases, the base functionality came in handy for other cases, such

as e.g. a glossary.

provide nicer icon for revisions button

provide more detailed test-item descriptions for exam/question overviews