• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Remove unused cruft.

Fixed tdom dependency

Little changes

    • -2
    • +1
    • -6
    • +3
Updated to openacs 5.4.2

    • -2
    • +1
    • -6
    • +3
Removed stupid workflow::package_key proc that returns the immutable value

of the package key (workflow). I hate pseudo object oriented crap like


Remove postcommit_actions

First commit on the new server!

set use new info format strings

Remove cvs_acls

allow sort my views per minutes

add search::driver_name proc that returns the name of current search driver

    • -1
    • +8
fix month list for date form fields

Removing duplicate images (*.GIF)

    • -1
    • +1
Removing duplicate images (*.GIF)

    • -1
    • +1
Bumped version numbers

    • -5
    • +5
  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
fix bug for "import_prototype_page news" in update scripts, when no news page was available

    • -1
    • +11
    • -2
    • +2
some further cleanup and more detailed error checking for automatically generated package names and table names.

- make categories includelet not throw an error, when no categories are found

- allow for the attribute 'entries_of' of class ::xowiki::Weblog

names of XOTcl Classes to be specified. If specified, only

instances of the specified classes are shown in the weblog.

- simpler handling of nasty characters in weblog-portlet.page

    • -8
    • +20
roll back the changes in xotcl-core to the state of 2008-06-18 in order avoid conflicts in the release cycle

- fix message, when user is created

- fix initial state handling

    • -3
    • +5
urgent fix for recent change for explicit sql package name handling

urgent fix for recent changes for sql_package names

Fix broken list filtering.

Fix so acs_community_member_url can be called without a connection.

Added missing creation date key used by bug-tracker.

add message translations from oacs-5-4

fix missing key

merge in recent fixes from head

some cleanup

Fixed error when install dotlrn