on 03 May 15
Scalability reform part 3 (content-repository):

- content_revision__del:
* Removed manual nulling of live_revision and latest_revision
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Scalability reform part 3 (content-repository):

- content_revision__del:

 * Removed manual nulling of live_revision and latest_revision

   by using appropriate ond delete actions on foreign keys

 * Removed manual deletion of old_revision and new_revision in

   cr_item_publish_audit by using "on delete cascade"

- content_item__del:

 * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_item_publish_audit

   by using "on delete cascade"

 * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_release_periods

   by using "on delete cascade"

 * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_item_template_map

   by using "on delete cascade"

 * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_item_keyword_map

   by using "on delete cascade"

 * Removed manual deletion of direct permissions (was already


- Added missing index for child_id to cr_child_rels.

 This index was in the create scripts (with a non-conformant name),

 but not in the upgrade scripts

- bump version number of acs-content-repository to 5.9.0d3

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