• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added heuristic for xowf regression test, when no icon sets are installed

imrpove spacing for shuffle options for bootstrap 5

improve naming of function

provide double click prevention for form actions in workflows

Styling improvements for exam answering workflows (many thanks to Monika Andergassen)

- provide explicit text to "next" and "previous" buttons in pagination menu

- align appearance of "next" and "previous" buttons in pagination menu with GitHub

- removed class "input-group" for compound fields to improve appearance

- bumped version number of xowf to 5.10.1d48

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
show the amount of questions only if the no_position parameter is not provided

-) the no_position parameter is provided for the composite question form

Update italian localization

Document public api

Add doc to public classes definitions

Whitespace changes

Move doc in the right place

Add doc to public api

Whitespace cleanup

add the amount of questions from the exam in the title

improve styling for Bootstrap 5

Give admins the possibility to deactivate pagination actions in the answer workflow of the inclass exam.

As default the pagination actions are shown in the answer workflow.

Tighten test for is_wf_instance

Previously, the test was based on setting of state and FormPage.

In cases, where plain FormPages are used inside an xowf package

this test was leading to wrong results.

Properly escape "<" and ">" in api-doc documentation.

Since all documentation is rendered via HTML, the characters

"<" and ">" have to be HTML-quoted, otherwise strange things

(omission, unintended renderings) might occur.

E.g. the sentence

Define an interface between a page and an

ADP <include> similar to the page_contract.

was rendered as

Define an interface between a page and an

ADP similar to the page_contract.

which is incorrect.

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Added Drag and Drop interface for feedback files

- When grading a student, feedback files can be added via drag and drop

- Caution was spent to avoid potentially slow refresh operations on

log exam protocols. All interactions use AJAX and update the

DOM tree directly

- The feedback files are displayed as thumbnails

- When permissions allow, the thumbnail files can be directly viewed and/or deleted

- Supports Bootstrap3 and Bootstrap 5

- Support for composite questions.

- bumped version number to 5.10.1d43

made message keys more consistent, updated dependencies

improve styling of SC and MC questions with bootstrap5

Previously, the labels were written in the wrong line.

improved support for composite items generated with bootstrap5 but rendered with bootstrap3

This addresses again the problem of pregenerated composite items.

On the longer range, it would be better to avoid pregeneration at all.

Improved support for composite questions and bootstrap 5

This fixes a bug when composite questions were generated with

bootstrap3 and rendered later with bootstrap5.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
improve bootstrap5 compatibility for inclass exam

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fix links of last commit

improve support of inclass exam for bootstrap 5

reduce number of anonymous arrays, improve error message and double check for package initialization

Fix leftover jquery dependency

Update italian localization

add missing curly brackets