• last updated 11 hours ago
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Added substitution values for short text answers

This change adds the possibility to provide randomized substitution values to short

text questions via value sets.

Value sets are a means for a content developer to provide multiple matching answers which are inserted into the text before an exercise is shown to the end user. One can e.g. provide for a calculation exercise several input and some output values, such that the students get different calculation exercises provided. These values can also be used for the correct-when clauses.

The content developer can use percent-code delimited elements when defining the exercise:


Assume, you want to download a %x.what% with the size of %x.size% over a %x.type% connection with a rate of %x.rate% from %univ%.


and also in "correct when"




the value sets can be provided via an extra field for the short-text questions and have the form

of a Tcl dict:


univ {WU-Vienna TU-Vienna "University of Vienna"}

x {

{type "ADSL" rate "256 kbit/s" size "235 MB" secs 5300 what "Powerpoint file"}

{type "ADSL" rate "512 kbit/s" size "5.6 MB" secs 91 what "PDF file"}

{type "4G" rate "80 Mbit/s" size "270 MB" secs 27 what "PDF file"}

{type "4G" rate "40 Mbit/s" size "650 MB" secs 32 what "Lecturecast Video" }

{type "5G" rate "1 Gbit/s" size "520 MB" secs 4 what "Powerpoint file" }

{type "5G" rate "1 Gbit/s" size "1.5 GB" secs 12 what "Lecturecast Video" }



In this example, every student will get a randomly chosen value for the university (%univ%)

and matching elements containing the answer (e.g. download time of "270 MB" over "80 Mbit/s" is 27 seconds).

The download time is used in the correct when part, such that auto-correction can be applied.

When a student answers this exercise, the system provides random choices that are substituted in the text.

For every variable ("univ", "x", ..) different random values are used for the student.

Certainly, for other students, other numbers and results will be provided.

Note, that this value sets can be used for numeric an non-numeric exercises.

Current limitations:

- only defined for short-text questions (can be in general also for other question types)

- no elaborate user interface for entering value sets (or a thorough validator) is provided.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
use test user_id instead of current user for running tests

Added two types of grading schemes (in addition to "exact") to ordering exercises:

- "position": count elements as correct, when these are on the correct position

- "relative": count elements as correct, if the neighboring element is correctly before the actual element

The results are adjusted by the same guessing correction as in the "ggw" scheme for MC exercises.


- desired order: 1,2,3,4

- provided answer: 3,1,2,4

- scheme "exact": 0%

- scheme "position": 0 0 0 1

- scheme "relative": 0 1 1 (correctly ordered 1<2 and 2<4)

A minor refactoring was also performed to ease code reuse.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
fix typo

extend regression test: provide tests of the basic life-cycle steps of the inclass-exam

added test cases, improved test coverage

added test case creating a text- and MC-item and an inclass exam

file test-item-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
reduce verbosity

complete listing of covered procs in test cases

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
use absolute time for computing beeps

improve listing of test coverage

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
improve listing of test coverage

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
make listing of tested procs more complete

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
inclass-exam: Added configurability for time budget and display of minutes and/or points during exam

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
add "btwn" to precise correct-when specs

deactivate autocorrection for short_text questions, when correct when is not precise

improve listing of tested procs

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
added support for composite correct-when for text_interaction

added support for gui and multiple correct-when clauses

bump version number to 5.10.0d32

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
revert escaped development version

allow action exam_review only when autocorrect is possible

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
make end of resub options explicit

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
Add basic doc, fixes acs-tcl.documentation__check_proc_doc automated test

Updates for upload_interaction:

- allow lecturer to specify number of file, which can be uploaded

- handle singular/plural labels for attachment/attachments

- handle singular/plural labels for Students submitting files

- styling improvements

- bump version number to get as well message catalog updates from xowiki

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
since the form-field "file" supports the file multiple attribute, the internal representation is as well a list.

this change takes now as file-name for the local renderer as well the first file name list element.

add the original filename to the generated url, so that it is also delivered to the user

Added text-attachment

Ny using text-attachments, a lecturer can attach files to the exercise

text for the student to download when solving the exercise.

provide export interface

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fix typo