• last updated 1 hour ago
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Deal with 'search' input types, that are not in the 'form-control' class, in Bootstrap 3. See CSS comment for details.

Whitespace changes

Use input type 'search' in search widget

Add basic include contract

make "util_close_html_tags" public since it is called from public pages

make "dt_get_info" public since it is used from other packages

Remove extra url decoding, ns_parsequery embeds it already

Remove extra decoding ns_parsequery provides it already

Revert usage of builtin commands, as we need a specific decoding for oauth, not the urldecoding ns_parsequery embeds

Aolserver/Naviserver builtin ns-parsequery already embeds URL decoding

Add 'fs_create_folder_using_api' test case, covering the 'fs::get_root_folder', 'fs::new_folder', 'fs::get_folder', 'fs::folder_p', 'fs::delete_folder', 'fs::rename_folder' and 'fs_get_folder_name' procs

Whitespace changes

Fix typo

Use the new 'url' input type widget. Bump version number for dependency

Use the new 'url' input type widget

Whitespace changes

Use the new 'email' input type widget

Use the new 'email' input type widget

Whitespace changes

Use the new 'url' and 'email' input type widgets

Use the new 'url' and 'email' input type widgets

Remove duplicated code

Add new ad_form input types

Use the 'search' input type in the search widget

Whitespace changes

Use the new ad_form 'number' input field. Bump version number for dependency.

Use naviserver api to parse URL variables

Whitespace changes, breaking overlong lines, and removal of old *SQL*

Use naviserver api to parse URL variables

Final phasing out of acs_named_objects

- remove table creation

- update documentation

- provide an optional upgrade script to delete the table and the object type (commented out by default, as people might have defined object subtypes downstream).

Context: this table and the related machinery were created at a time where acs_objects where not as mature as they are now and would not include the "title" information. To retrieve the object name, the only option was the stored procedure acs_object.name, which was not scalable.

From an excerpt of the Changelog file:


2004-03-31 jeffd


* packages/categories/tcl/category-trees-procs-oracle.xql:

* packages/categories/tcl/category-trees-procs-postgresql.xql:

acs_named_objects superflous now that title is in

acs_objects. need to fix the rest of the occurances though


This tells us that the phasing out has already been decided back in 2004, but delayed. One technical reason, could be that the acs_named_objects table would also materialize the translation, while the title column would store sometimes a message key, that would need to be translated manually. This is helpful when e.g. sorting by name in sql. However, only the faq and categories package would seem to make any use of the table and only the faq package would seem to maintain its values... This would make some UIs in the categories package practically useless since a long time.

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