Define caret after dropdown-toggle the same way for Bootstrap3 as in Bootstrap5This is a forward compatibility change, probably futuer versions of Bootstrapwill behave the same. Many thanks to Monika Andergassen for the suggestion.
bumped Bootstrap 5 to version 5.3.0Bootstrap 5.3.0 was released on May 30, 2023. According to the developers,it’s been a monumental effort to revamp our codebase for CSS variables andcolor modes, one that will see continued changes leading up to an eventualBootstrap 6.For more details, see
Fix for define_function_args for time_interval__overlaps_p- Define always SQL function with the longest argument list- Bumped version number to 0.6.2d6
Implement "ground-truth" check for proctoring to make sure that we are sending picturesWhen more than 10 times the expected maximum proctoring interval has pasased without any picture being successfully sent to the server, the proctored session will be aborted.
refactor login cookie handlingThe old code required repeated execption handlers.Now, these exception handlers are on one place, andusers of sec_login_read_cookie can rely that a dictis returned