• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
temporary fix of doc images from creating urls that return 404 errors to 302 errors

try to parse more different QTI files

Fixing a typo that broke image uploading.

survey_p defaults to false

Fix insert and select views for revisions and subtypes so title is not duplicated.

updating this code (problaby it should be merged in sessions.tcl)

victorg karma on openacs-4

don't show feedback and score if it's a survey

i18n update

Make sure temp files are deleted after upload

Delete temp file after upload

add notification chunk

modify display message

add a simple includelet for available surveys

    • -0
    • +12
    • -0
    • +51
    • -0
    • +10
functions for enabling and setting locale in the install.xml file

    • -0
    • +22
add recognizing array variables like @xx.y.z@ as xx(y.z). Note that the regexps show up in multiple places so any changes to the @ var regexps should be made carefully. In particular if @x@ defined and if @x@ nil handle variables special since they can't be derefrenced

fix some typos, remove a log message

Fixing image length

Fixing rel name

Remove debugging noticed

    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
typo in boolean answer function

add an object id= method for setting permissions in the install.xml file on explicit object ids

    • -1
    • +11
added clarificaton to bison instructions

file upgrade-5.1.4-5.1.4d1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file upgrade-5.1.5d2-5.1.5d3.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

fixed some upgrade scripts for oracle

explicit align left in footer since sometimes design has page centered

Fixed call to rp_debug for reporting bad filter return codes.

changes to make htmlarea-3.0-rc3 work

pull in htmlarea 3.0rc3

  1. … 166 more files in changeset.