• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fully-qualify the file api, in particular for ad_opentmpfile, which might be executed in namespaces already defining a file command

Whitespace cleanup

Use an idiom without expr to fill up the multirow after the body execution

Test the behavior when the multirow contains values in the form "\d+\.": this shows a bug caused by the value retrieval going through an expr, which will "normalize" the value to "\d+\.0"

handle empty string case

Fix typo

calendar_ids_list won't be passed in the right format to be validated in the page contract, in exchange, quote it properly in the database

Use standard %H:%M notation to pass the event time to calendar creation

form-template: update notation for select box, radio and checkbox to Bootstrap 5

Many thanks to Monika Andergassen

improve spelling

Don't write error to system log due to failed DML call to error log on forseeable conditions

On calls with exception handlers on duplicate name entries, we do not

want to see entries in the sytem log

skip empty entries in mc2 choices

Many thanks to Monika Andergasse for the suggestion

removed hard-coded styling to improver stylability via CSS on admin page

Many thanks to Monika Andergasse for the suggestion

    • -2
    • +2
Whitespace cleanup

Cleanup vars

    • -5
    • +3
Use modern contract and formfield features to avoid manual date validation

    • -9
    • +9
    • -39
    • +10
Harden page contract, fix exporting of multiple revision ids

Use modern date formfields to avoid manual validation and handling of dates, harden page contract

    • -11
    • +7
Clarify idiom, improve markup

Fix typo

Modernize idiom

Harden page contract, use modern date widget to avoid custom date parsing

Fix spec syntax

Cleanup variables never used and form never rendered

    • -15
    • +1
Harden and modernize page contract, remove reference to non-existing database columns from ancient downstream installations

Rework api to avoid extra checks

Reimplement conversion to and from Julian dates using modern Tcl api

Reinstate lost comment

Use modern date and time form input types so that the time values validated by the contract are the same used by the UI and no different values can be supplied to the form via the pseudo-fields for e.g. year, day and so on...

    • -81
    • +27
Improve validation