• last updated 5 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file resource-info-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

sort URN listing

added indirectly covered procs

added URN listing

claim indirect proc coverage

improved header on index page

reduced verbosity

prefer recommended path over deprecated path

fix for regression test case ad_context_bar_multirow

originally, site-node entries survived the test

after the first fix, the regression test was failing (sometimes?) the complaint was about a missing package.

now, the test seems to work always correctyl, and the site-nodes entries are gone as well

fixed broken error pages (removed obsolete header_stuff)

Fix regression in db_multirow_group_last_row_p

Row is last when the next value changes

Many thanks to Miachel Aram for reporting the issue

fix typo

updated version numbers

Bump version number after catalog changes

modernize resource info procs

use new API ::util::resources::resource_info_procs

::util::resources::resource_info_procs: function to improve roustness of fetching of resource info procs

bumped version number to 5.10.1b10

    • -2
    • +2
reduced verbosity

minor cleanup: prefer list_of_lists, improved comments

improved souce code documentation

Various fixes for "function_args"

- The default value for "authority_id" in acs_user__new was missing.

- Removed leftovers from earlier changes in the SQL API. The update

scripts did not care about function args, so orphaned entries could

cause confusions.

- The drop-package SQL function did not care about deleting entries on

the function args table. The function args deleted here are created

automatically by the Tcl proc "package_generate_body".

- bumped verison of acs-kernel to 5.10.1b6

file upgrade-5.10.1b5-5.10.1b6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

removed calls to deprecated procs

swithc default to version 7.3.0 (previous version was vulnerable)

added link to snyk advisor (bumped version to 5.10.1b9)

    • -2
    • +2
align .adp files for site-wide admin pages

reduced verbosity

Simplified and streamlined URN management by using util::resources::register_urns

provide a stable order of list items by sorting

Simplified and streamlined URN management by using util::resources::register_urns

    • -20
    • +3