
  • last updated 10 hours ago
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make regression test more robust with respect to yui rendering

Alignments for Bootstrap 5

Also, use form.form for creating forms from the menubar instead of

old-strle ::xowiki::Forms. Aligned as well regression test to use


Bump version number to 5.10.1d24

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
added regression test for includelet includelet "child-resources"

add test cases for three different toc styles

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
no need to sort already sorted sequence

This problem was introduced via the ns_strcoll support which is not sufficiently clever on numbers.

We should support for numerical sort when needed (which seems rare enough)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
add test file for includelt testing, that does not require the full webtest overhead

file includelet-test-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

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