• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
remove header in answer workflow, when parent workflow has proctoring enables

remove return button for student exam review

keep height of timer constant, also, when its empty

fix accidentially dropped message keys

    • -0
    • +60
added a state for exam review for students

    • -3
    • +12
    • -54
    • +4
provide meta-data about exam in "created" state

detail-view: show images up to the selected revision

initialized dict in proctoring variant, in case some manages to sumit an exam without images

provide always proper quoting

- added points calculation in addition to score

- added student feedback sheet (view-my-exam)

- added view of proctored exams

fix typo

add seeds for per-item randomization

added support for position dependent randomization

provide randomized seeds

changes for inclass-exam:

- open test run in a different frame

- use tailored proctoring code, when available

- improve screen after final exam submission

delete duplicated entry

- do not require to make generic create-or-use public for

non-admins in proctor mode

new features for inclass exam workflow:

- additional flag "synchronized", can be specified on "create exam" page

- provide info about exam publication time and duration since publication

time to the details view of the exam protocol

    • -2
    • +3
fix typo

added skeleton for proctoring support

    • -2
    • +3
added optional field for expected solution

do not show count-down timer always

don't show results of "marked" right now

add support to get revisions with instance variables

Added count-down timer for inclass-exam-answer.wf

- new API call Question_manager.exam_target_time

- new includelet "countdown-timer" (based on answer_manager.countdown_timer)

shorten date info in title, since it is redundant

allow minimal number of selected alternatives of 1 (does not always make sense, but it is useful for text exercises)

whitespace cleanup

Improved display for print-answers:

- added link from exam protocol to single (more detailed) view

- display in exam protocol answer times up to the live-revision

(and not over all elements)

Improved display and interaction with print-answers:

- added explicit display of displayed revision and submitted revision

- added option to change live revision