
  • last updated a few minutes ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Hide the defunct rp_show_debug filter

Comments always on

UI Tweaks

Use list-builder for DB request info

Commented out ds_comments about user-switching

- Added number of comments to CMT link

- Added link to automated testing

Removed TODO after fixing the issue

Fixed bug with all DB statements showing zero time -- Dirk had changed the way we count the milliseconds, but missed this page.

Made shell more robust

Added link to flush util_memoize cache

renamed dev support thingie to "toolbar"

TODO's and title attributes

Cleaned-up, templated, and improved developer-support

    • -6
    • +76
Added link to developer-support home

- Design improvements

- Fixed problems caused by untrusted_user_id as mentioned in forums thread

    • -19
    • +20
Added page to toggle comments on/off

    • -0
    • +13
Templated pages, quick-and-dirty style

all TCL's clock clicks always with the -milliseconds option. The TCL manual

explicitly states that without this switch the return result is platform

dependant. The OpenACS code works at the millisecond granulartiy and silently

assumes that 1 millisecond equals 1000 clicks which is not necessarily true.

I used this shell script to automatize the replacing:


for file in `grep -lsr "\[clock clicks\]" /web/openacs-head/packages/ `; do

echo "repairing $file"

sed "s/\[clock clicks\]/\[clock clicks -milliseconds\]/g" $file > fout

mv fout $file


And then grepped for

grep -r "expr.*clock clicks" /web/openacs-head/packages/

to manually remove the divisions by 1000.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Do not enable DB-caching on startup -- too dangerous, may cause things to break (according to Jeff)

Default to enabled -- supposedly, if you're installing developer-support, it's because you want to use it

merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

    • -2
    • +22
  1. … 594 more files in changeset.
Fix the package and vendor URLs, remove broken owner emails.

  1. … 73 more files in changeset.
clean up summary and description information

  1. … 51 more files in changeset.
allow variable subst in query on errno 2 (return)

adding ability watch whole packages on server startup with the PackageWatchList parameter

adding ability watch whole packages on server startup with the PackageWatchList parameter

    • -1
    • +21
enabling db info collection and developer support package by default

Adding a friendly message when permission is denied.

Fixing link to shell to use abstract url, removing spellcheck option from shell input field.

cleaned up files: updated require sections, removed references to arsdigita and openforce, and replaced out-of-date owner info. Most of these edits were done by hand due to bug 1106; I tried to do the same things the APM would do (remove file sections, etc) and updating the release date to today

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.