tilmanns in OpenACS

Trim leading zeros since month_data is keyed by month number without leading zero, and I have seen at least once getting it a month value with leading zero from somewhere.

Fix for Bug #1771: When posting anonymously the notification emails reveal the posters identity. Also fix a problem in lib/message/post.tcl - when anonymous posting was enabled but not checked then it failed with 'empty string not allowed as operator of &&'

Adding irc-applet package to contrib/packages/, a simple package including a java applet for using an irc chat. The previous commit ended up in Attic/, I think because I had checked out with -rHEAD before, checking in again from a fresh checkout with the files copied over.

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
file irc-applet.info was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • -0
    • +0
file Protocol.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file NoEditArea.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file Net.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file Makefile was initially added on branch HEAD.

file Jicra.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file ForwardServerThread.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file ForwardServerNet.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file ForwardServer.java was initially added on branch HEAD.

file index.html was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • -0
    • +0
file nick-choose.tcl was initially added on branch HEAD.

file nick-choose.adp was initially added on branch HEAD.

file COPYING was initially added on branch HEAD.

file index.tcl was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • -0
    • +0
file index.adp was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • -0
    • +0
file Protocol.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • binary
file NoEditArea.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

file Net.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • binary
file Jicra.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • binary
file ForwardServerThread.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

file ForwardServerNet.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

file ForwardServer.class was initially added on branch HEAD.

file README was initially added on branch HEAD.

Releasing dom trees of parsed rdf and xsl files as well, not only the one of the generated html.

Removed test case that won't fix 'by design'.

Added warning on nested group tags, following up on bug #428.

Fixing missing pretty_submission_date that caused a 500.