• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added Rocael to acs-content-repository

Updated DaveB's karma to be absolutely karmatic.

Grant commit to Joel Aufrecht on CVSROOT

Give Andrew Grummet commit across openacs, give Branimir commit on CVSROOT (to fix email notifications)

add commit on openacs-4 for Caroline Meeks, and ecommerce for Alfred Warner

Granted commit to Branimir (bdolicki)

add torbenb commit on acs-core-docs

Granting contrib to Guan

commit for rocael on faq

giving jade commit on organizations

giving Timo commit rights

Granting Malte tree-wide commit (OCT member)

Gave Roc commit privs on photo-album

Granted commit on openacs-4 to Tracy Adams (tracya)

Granted commit privs to the press package for michaels, so he can commit

his port for PG (currently the package is oracle only).

Granted Jarkko Laine tree-wide commit

Granting commit to Peter Alberer (petera) on contrib

granting commit to Lee Denison

Granted full commit rights to Steffen Christensen (steffenc)

Granted Jun Yamog full commit

Granted full commit to Mat Kovach

Granted commit rights to Mark Aufflick (marka)

Allowing Mohan full commit rights for now...

changing avail entry for dirkg, he wasn't able to commit previously, not sure why

giving Dirk (dirkg) commit rights on all packages so that he can do more noquote work before the release

Granted commit rights on acs-templating to Jun, so he can work on list builder

- Gave Steve Ivy permissions to contrib/packages/form-to-mail

Added Malte Sussedorf...

giving Jun Yamog (juny) access to contrib dir

robert locke commit on contrib/photo-album