• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Gave Roc commit privs on photo-album

Granted commit on openacs-4 to Tracy Adams (tracya)

Granted commit privs to the press package for michaels, so he can commit

his port for PG (currently the package is oracle only).

Granted Jarkko Laine tree-wide commit

Granting commit to Peter Alberer (petera) on contrib

granting commit to Lee Denison

Granted full commit rights to Steffen Christensen (steffenc)

Granted Jun Yamog full commit

Granted full commit to Mat Kovach

Granted commit rights to Mark Aufflick (marka)

Allowing Mohan full commit rights for now...

changing avail entry for dirkg, he wasn't able to commit previously, not sure why

giving Dirk (dirkg) commit rights on all packages so that he can do more noquote work before the release

Granted commit rights on acs-templating to Jun, so he can work on list builder

- Gave Steve Ivy permissions to contrib/packages/form-to-mail

Added Malte Sussedorf...

giving Jun Yamog (juny) access to contrib dir

robert locke commit on contrib/photo-album

Let Bart modify CVSROOT files

Added 'curriculum' to the list of modules. Removed redundant line in avail (one line with 'olah' covers all subdirs).

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Ola needed to add some cvs modules so giving him commit rights on whole repository

fix jarkkos perm for photo-album

add Jarkko commit on contrib/photo-album

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added andrewp as a /openacs-4/etc committer

Added Nick Carroll to the committers list for the new project-manager


granting Dirk commit rights on acs-datetime

giving Dirk Gomez commit rights on calendar package that he wants to maintain

Added Jade Rubick to the contrib commiters list

Given juny (Jun Yamog) commit on contrib.

removing commit rights for ben, arjun, and elorenzo who are inactive. Adding commit rights for simonc (Simon Carstensen) who is working with Collaboraid now and needs to commit new RSS and blogger related code