• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Merged oacs-5-2 -> oacs-5-3 branches.

  1. … 52 more files in changeset.
Added informal salutation

Support for locales of parties. New I18N

Commented out account manager, cleaned up the code

    • -14
    • +49
Added support for multiple OO templates

Updated the sweeper to set the group as well as import the AMS attributes

Removed our converter from the scipt

Add user to default group in the sweeper

Made the upgrade ordering check ignore files that are just under the

package key in sql or upgrade directories. These are old upgrade files

(acs 3 -> acs 4, for instance) that don't follow the APM numbering

scheme (in many cases they were meant to be run manually).

Another upgrade ordering problem ...

Fixed an upgrade ordering problem

Made a freakin' bloody PG-only query db-independent. I did *not* make an

xql file for it. The person responsible for this test can do it themselves.

Fixed an upgrade script ordering problem.

Fixed an upgrade script ordering issue

solve bug when the user back and not allow

Missing files and cleanup

    • -2
    • +2
    • -0
    • +18
Added populate buttons

Some more cleanup on the import_oo_pdf function

Added yet another remote converter. It is getting time to branch the OpenOffice functions to another package

    • -0
    • +90
    • -0
    • +10
Added include (or at least tried to add the include)

Update version

fix statistics in who's online

beautifying output

give more orthogonal 10min /per day statistics

make check for bgdelivery independent of active connection (we don't have one during startup)

return useful results even when bgdelivery is not activated

Adding Christian Brechbuhler to cvs committers

Accept patch#812 from Christian Brechbuehler for bug#3045

Fix bug#3046, remove unused code, intermedia-driver only works with

the new callback based search.

file diff.adp was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:25 +0000

    • -0
    • +0