darior in OpenACS

Set default order for class members

Solved bug in function switch

Maximize/minimize portlets now work in personal pages other than page 0

Maximize/minimize portlets now work in community pages other than page 0

Fix for multiple xinhas on one page.

add condition for not sum the grades not live

in simple mode grade_plural_name not find the defaults message key, exams, task, etc.

Change string by message key

replace input key format

solve problem in cluster with ports

path image xml.gif is rss-support

    • -1
    • +1
show date with format

Now copy and move urls is working

Added new parameter to limite the file indexed size (we have crashes in pg 8.2.4)

add code for to allow delete presentatiosn all authority users

remove \ in symbol $ for get title

1:add all fields to copy task. 2:change url to notification, the students not can admin

add all fields to copy task

not work delete attempt when exist one row in as_session_result

solve bug when the user back and not allow

fix bug for display pretty time remaining

fix bug to show sessions of old revisions

error in foreach change assessment_id by id

solve bug to show default paramater PrivateEmailLevelP in combobox

solve bug with link to photo album in personal portal

solve problem to news with image

solve problem to new with image

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    • +17
Solve some problems

New release of dotlrn-datamanager

New release of datamanager-portlet