• last updated 16 hours ago
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Fixed bugs. Ported to Postgres.

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
file dotlrn-homework-applet-create.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-portlet-drop.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-portlet-create.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-notifications-drop.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-notifications-create.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-drop.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-create.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file dotlrn-homework-applet-drop.sql was initially added on branch dotlrn-1-0.

file upgrade-0.4d-4.6.1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

file upgrade-4.6-4.6.1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

A bunch of things

1. AOLserver 4.0's nsxml appears to expose a gcc bug which causes the

backwards-compatible "getattr" command to fail. I dug around nsxml

and it does appear to be a gcc bug. I changed to the proper nsxml v2


2. In the course of exploring #1 above, I realized that the calls to

dom:: Tcl XML package commands were still being executed despite

being commented out. Typical Tcl misunderstanding on someone's part.

Net effect: we were parsing all APM .info files twice, once in Tcl

and once in ns_xml! Yuk!

3. Fixed a minor notifications bug - you couldn't delete a notification

request if any unsent notifications were pending, causing the homework

package to bomb if you deleted an uploaded homework file and the prof

hadn't yet received their notification.

4. Fixed an obscure corner case in my permissions denormalization code.

    • -52
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removing pages and xql files that are no longer needed no that file paths of APM packages are not in db

changing Oracle version from 8.1.7 to 8.1.6 as the query dispatcher will ignore queries with version number above 8.1.6

Changed the file manage page of the APM to reflect that file paths are no longer in the database. The page now just serves the purpose of showing the file types that the APM thinks your files are and watching files. Making paths to sql files and catalog files be fetched directly from the filesystem. Offering to mount applications under /package_key upon install for convenience. Making sure the package-delete page works by unmounting and uninstantiating packages with the Tcl API (to trigger callbacks) before uninstall. Adding ability to watch all files in a package. Minor update of I18N instructions

    • -0
    • +13
adding the apm_get_package_files proc for fetching files of certain types of a package. The idea is to rely on the filesystem rather than the info files/db for file listings. Made the install more verbose again for packages as I wanted to see why my installation didn't work. We could use the apm_dummy_callback if we make sure that as soon as there is an error inoformation is presented to the user. It is also good to show progress during installation

Adding the before-upgrade and after-upgrade callback types. To go along with the upgrade callbacks Lars added the excellent apm_upgrade_logic proc that lets you specify arbitrary pieces of Tcl code to be executed on upgrade from version X to version Y. The proc figures out which upgrade code chunks to source and in which order (with the same logic as with the traditional upgrade sql scripts). Making paths to sql files (create, drop, upgrade) and catalog files (I18N) be fetched directly from the filesystem rather than from the info file. The file listings in the info files and in the database are now AFAIK superfluous and have no influence on the system. Adding proc apm_watch_all_files for watching all files in a package. Bumping up version name from 4.5 to 4.7.2d

    • -2
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    • -125
    • +214
    • -45
    • +36
bumping up version name to 4.7d1 (Lars forgot to do that when he added the upgrade scripts for the new mime types)

various Oracle bug fixes (such as missing queries), bumping up version and provides to 4.7d2 as the new Bug Tracker and Workflow will rely on these fixes

Making acs-automated-testing redirect to the admin pages as it has nothing in the user dir

Make Oracle version cascade in all the places that the PG version does

Added support for dynamic notifications

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
add version 4.6b2 to readme

new file - starting upgrade section

Added joel aufrecht to the list of those who can edit acs-core-docs.

forgot about all of the trigger work-arounds for data-change violation problem that no longer exists. Fixed now.

forgot about all of the trigger work-arounds for data-change violation problem that no longer exists. Fixed now.

Eliminated acs_privilege_hierarchy_index in favor of using acs_privilege_descendant_map. In addition, rewrote trigger for creating acs_privilege_descendant_map as permissions creation was getting too slow on .LRN. .LRN has somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 entries in the privilege hierarchy, which is much higher than anticipated.

Eliminated acs_privilege_hierarchy_index in favor of using acs_privilege_descendant_map. In addition, rewrote trigger for creating acs_privilege_descendant_map as permissions creation was getting too slow on .LRN. .LRN has somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 entries in the privilege hierarchy, which is much higher than anticipated.

Added caching db_* API from Greenpeace Planet.

    • -0
    • +508