• last updated 14 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
making sure catalog messages are cached when new package is installed in APM. Also making sure tcl libraries and xql queries are loaded for the package after installation so that restart of server is no longer necessary (I hope). Resorted to using the force_install_p flag since the tcl libraries wouldn't source otherwise in the apm_files_load proc. This doesn't feel like the ideal solution but it gets the job done

making it possible to cache all catalog messages for a single package

added rss-support module

refactoring: extracting the code in the boostrap file that loads a package into the proc apm_load_package. Would like to call this proc after package installation in the APM.

apm_load_package should not cache that package is enabled

adding a procedure apm_load_package for loading a package so that this can be done without restarting the server, for example directly after installation. Moving Ben's comment for apm_load_queries into ad_proc

    • -21
    • +60
the check for whether acs-automated-testing is enabled was broken, replacing inline query with apm proc

adding new proc for checking if there is an enabled version of a certain package_key

removing inlined oracle specific queries, removing -default flag from db_string where not needed, correcting misnamed (copy paste) query

Merged changes from oacs-4-6, release 1.2 to

Added focus on summary field

Fixed bug #8: default patch component to bug's component when following link from bug page

Merged in changes from oacs-4-6 branch: .hover in stylesheet

Merged in changes on HEAD: Fix for bug #33: Always show new bug, new patch links

Removed template::, use -cancel_url

Fixed bug #115: search... doesn't work

Use -cancel_url

Merged in change from 1.4 to to trunk

Cleaned up bug.tcl page, now using new form builder enhancements

    • -0
    • +104
    • -0
    • +234
Changes to how buttons work: Form-builder now takes care of determining which buttons to use, not the template; Added actions functionality to form builder

modified case tag to allow <case in foo bar baz> and <case value=foo> forms.

fix link to view icon

fix link to "view" icon

removing the Admin link from the navbar as there are no admin pages yet (broken link)

trivial fix: edit link on book-view page was broken as book number didn't get exported properly

remove registration requirement from download-verify.tcl

The target for the AOLserver API search form was wrong, should be tcl-proc-view.tcl

added template tags switch, case, and default to create a switch statement for use in openacs templates

Removed acs-workflow from acs-install.sql script

Removed non-sensical '-debug t' switches that have defeated the purpose of a parameter setting and changed an error message, fixes Bug #130 entered by Vinod.