• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
more cooler approach for conditional assignment

trigger rebuilt of objects to access stored procedures, when "require function_args" has loaded an sql file

Fix javascript to disable/enable start and end time depending on the type of event (all day or not) -was failing when entering wrong times and going back using the browser for instance-

Bumped version numbers

    • -4
    • +4
  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
Fix referer and HTML cleanup

provide compatility with tcl 8.5

improved version of "::xo::db::require package", new "::xo::db::require function_args"

avoid multiple loads on ::xo::require package,

make 05-procs less verbose

get rid of unsafe expr commands

remove obsolete file

update version, adjust to xotcl-core and xowiki 0.70 interface

    • -3
    • +3
initial check-in of s5 package (depending on xowiki)

    • -0
    • +28
    • -0
    • +47
    • -0
    • +192
    • -0
    • +20
    • -0
    • +4
    • -0
    • +6
    • -0
    • +6
    • -0
    • +23
    • -0
    • +25
    • -0
    • +11
    • -0
    • +6
    • binary
    • -0
    • +64
  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
fix dependency from ::Generic:: namespace

some fixes for fresh installs

    • -14
    • +2
Make sure the community_id is returned empty if the package could not be found or it is called outside .LRN

adapting xowiki to use the new interface of xotcl-core

    • -4
    • +4
    • -24
    • +24
    • -3
    • +6
    • -86
    • +72
    • -2
    • +3
major revision of the interface between xotcl objects and acs objects and content repository objects

    • -58
    • +985
    • -0
    • +1121
    • -1329
    • +7
Handle insert into text items in the content repository as a

separate statement in Oracle, since the Oracle implementation

of inserting into the automatic view is limited to VARCHAR(4000).

Maximize/minimize portlets now work in personal pages other than page 0

Maximize/minimize portlets now work in community pages other than page 0

a *P parameter shoudl be a number

Added FileLocationRelativeP paramater in the .info file. If set to 0 it says that the location of the CRFileLocationRoot is not relative to acs_root_dir

Fix for multiple xinhas on one page.

Support for relative file locations which might even reside on a windows drive and therefore start with d:\

Fixed problem with contacts package if more than one is installed

Fixed link with view package

Fix call to item::get

New versionnumber

Added recording of a tcl webtest test written by enrique at quest

Minor bugfix to make sure that the parameter is found even when upgrading the packages