• last updated 15 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Extract queries from tcl to xql file

HTML strict cleanup

- add support for traceing slow calls (5 secs +)

- add user_count_day to statistics in counter log

- provide nicer floating point numbers on statistic pages

- rewrite of import/export

- handling of child-objects during import/export

    • -45
    • +104
    • -3
    • +3
- handle unnamed entries in method external_name (of Package)

    • -6
    • +9
improve comment

make cleanup safer

- make sure that destroy_on_cleanup is called before init for package instance objects, such that it is not possible that an error in Package->init causes half-dead objects in memory

- provide means to remove form_link from form-usages

keep rendered state for form fields

- provide default "" for link anchors

- make all switch statements safe (as principle)

Removed the condition to build extra_vars so it won't be NULL, otherwise a null value was causing the query to retrieve URLs of items to fail.

added match operator for correctness checks in form-fields

- new attribute for formfields: correct_when, can be used to specify an expression, when an answer is supposed to be correct

- definition of operators: eq ge gt le lt in btwn

handle cases, where no file storage instance exists

correctly escape the rss_xml_frag (by Michael Totschnig) http://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/patch?patch_number=882

add permission checking to first_instance

- search for first readable package instance for the given user instead of arbitrary first

- fix handling of script_dir for xinha

- add script_dir to list of exported variables for xinha

update dependency

    • -4
    • +4
bump version number

- additional method for package hander: first_instance

- make get_package_id_from_package_key more robust

- handling of script_dir for xinha (in case, no /xowiki is mounted). The directory is needed for the OacsFS plugin

reduce verbosity

    • -2
    • +1
- avoid problems, if invalid cross xowiki instance links are used

    • -1
    • +2
- use asynchronous http requests in cluster operations

- some more cleanup after changes