• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added incoming trackback support. I still have to add outgoing

support and think about how to display trackback/comments.

    • -0
    • +24
Added some automated test cases to help test the spell-checker.

Added support for spell-checking to the form bulider and ad_form.

    • -0
    • +13
    • -0
    • +372
Fixing a problem that was introduced in 1.20 - template::widget::numericRange failed when value is empty.

fixing upgrade bug related to .ctl (ctl_file) files. First of all, don't offer ctl files when upgrading (ok, we should make this possible if we need it). Second of all, use the ctl file selections the user actually made when choosing files to source (in proc apm_package_install_data_model)

updating version info of acs-bootstrap-installer package

forgot to set legacy users authority_id to local in upgrade script

bugfix in xml catalog import proc, variable named charset should have been named mime_charset

Oracle9i porting changes

- Changed procedure names from delete to del

- Changed view declaration to use actual column names

- Changed "rel_constraints_violated_one" and "rel_constraints_violated_two"


  1. … 75 more files in changeset.
upgrade script fix: Oracle table def was mistakenly copied into PG upgrade script

the auth_auhtorities.help_contact_text_format column was missing from the upgrade scripts

using create view instead of create or replace view for PG 7.2 support. Adding creation of lang_messages_audit in upgrade script. It was missing

upgrade file fix: using create or replace function instead of create function

making upgrade scripts of bulk-mail work with PG 7.2

Oracle9i porting changes

- Changed procedure names from delete to del

- Changed view declaration to use actual column names

- Changed "rel_constraints_violated_one" and "rel_constraints_violated_two"


  1. … 261 more files in changeset.
added documentation for wizards

modified the wizard to be nlevel deep. also added more doc. wizard is also modified by Brad Duell

info file fix: making version name in version url be up-to-date (have the version name in it). Upgrades fail on unique constraint of version url otherwise.

Only say 'Translate' if the message has not been translated

Don't dress localization data up as links to translate when in translator mode

Added message key for changing language

Require admin priv for editing categories

Made folder use <th> instead of <td> for header

Added braces around if clause

Include link to change language (locale)

Do not green-circle messages in the messages table

Translator mode now reintroduces the green circles

Default to system local and timezone

- Fixed translator mode toggle switch

- Reorganized links for clarity

Added page for testing translator mode