• last updated 23 hours ago
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commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20050111 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050224

  1. … 307 more files in changeset.
add a bit more docs to ad_get_tcl_call_stack

form errors for fields with an empty label would not highlight or show a required mark -- fixed

add a required mark for required trees -- should not be here but not sure how to get it in anywhere else given the design of the cat widget

show permissions granted to public on mainsite (used to be excluded on the query which made understanding the permissions quite difficult)

Shows the presentation format active for the course,

and adds the option to change it.

permission denied in ds_require_permission used user_id but did not get it first

fix photoalbum context to not return empty element for root

add a cannot remove permission msg

adding a check for no supplied email, because openacs now allows users to not have email addresses in some cases, and it's going to take some time to go through the code to properly insert checks by narrowing queries, adding parameter constraints etc etc

fixing bugs on oracle installation: using restricted identifiers as names in queries

now that emails are not required for users, this needs to require it before sending

The course now opens in a new window, with no toolbars.

Besides, it uses the presentation chosen for the course

stored in the presentation_id field

at the table imscp_manifests.

    • -6
    • +15
'general_comments_create' no longer a child of 'create' as per TIP #74

'general_comments_create' no longer granted to 'default_context' as per TIP #74

more changes

Changed the upgrade script to use select count(*) to circumwent Oracles dislike for if (select...)

Create new table lors_available_presentation_formats and add field presentation_id to imscp_manifests

left out /packages for jonatan

Fixing broken query project_new.instance_info

make metaweblog pass regression, add an after-mount callback to create the rss feed, don't bombout testing if teardown fails

typo: as_item_answers -> as_item_sa_answers

add subsite::util::packages which returns a list of package_id;s in the subsite containing the passed node_id

don't put magic text in sql, handle feeds never built without throwing an error

Page root and template root registered as magic objects.

fixing bugs in new bulk-import product images

bugfix: provide default for variable lob_values

bugfix: fixed bug with lob-columns in attributes

set title in acs objects when creating security context root, set titles for parameters, make acs_objects.package_id on delete set null

noquote the charter

add missing files