• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
revert escaped file

don't fix potential exceptions, but try comment the case and avoid useless calls.

    • -198
    • +449
add fix for broken "-string" flag in ad_return_template

Return forbidden only when connected

use transaction to avoid duplicate key conflicts

    • -9
    • +11
make translation mode stylable via CSS, add styles for default and bootstrap3 themes, reduce dependencies on xinha icons

reduce verbosity and modernize code

    • -9
    • +6
    • -3
    • +32
reduce verbosity

Localize bulk-actions label in the child-resources include (many thanks to Monika Andergassen)

Port from downstream

    • -2
    • +2
    • -1
    • +1
add proper bootstrap markup for util-user-messages CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Cleanup commented code

Whitespace cleanup

child-resources: specify urls involved in bulk-delete action more explicitly in a way that the includelet will work also when put in other non-folder pages

    • -2
    • +5
Shorten idiom

    • -2
    • +1
german translations: add resonable translation for "permissable"

German message catalog: use consistently "Profilbild" instead of "Portrait" and "Benutzer" instead of "User"

Use more consistently "Mitglieder" instead of "Teilnehmer" for "member", not at least since "Mitglieder" requires no gendering.

prefer "nsf::is object" over ":isobject" or "info commands", since it is faster, more generic and can be used in all contexts

    • -16
    • +16
improve ease of debugging

prefer "nsf::is object" over ":isobject" or "info commands", since it is faster, more generic and can be used in all contexts

prefer "nsf::is object" over ":isobject" or "info commands", since it is faster, more generic and can be used in all contexts

prefer "nsf::is object" over ":isobject" or "info commands", since it is faster, more generic and can be used in all contexts

    • -2
    • +2
prefer "nsf::is object" over ":isobject" or "info commands", since it is faster, more generic and can be used in all contexts

    • -3
    • +3
    • -5
    • +5
    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1
    • -7
    • +7
    • -8
    • +8
call isobject method with full namespace as we are not in a xotcl proc

execute the atjobs as close as possible to the full minute (see suggestion #3415)

    • -4
    • +22
improve readability with sanitized error log

Add a test about group membership for tcl api as well (will right now fail on direct membership)

Replace deprecated proc

Replace deprecated api in this weird adp

provide proper title properties in .adp files to reduce warnings in log files