• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
clean up image

new etp app, simply lists site-nodes directly beneath

    • -0
    • +10
    • -0
    • +16
honor the max days old parameter for postings

new blue icon

new icon

go back to original plan

move main content in file, it seems to degrade better in between the right

and left panel HTML.

removed width on center column for home page. If the required width is not avialble the column wraps to the bottom, not what we want

remove home from navbar, its in context bar

fix header

remove home link

add www/projects directories to handle index.vuh for subsites

    • -0
    • +10
    • -0
    • +16
    • -0
    • +57
    • -0
    • +57
fix context and clean up header for greater browser compatibility

    • -3
    • +19
new lighter slices

    • binary
    • binary
add search button

    • binary
*** empty log message ***

new files

    • binary
    • binary
clean up templates, improve context bar handling. still more to do.

*** empty log message ***

move custom doc index.adp to www directory to ease merging of 4.6 code

OpenACS update 2002-10-08

  1. … 2809 more files in changeset.
2 things:

1) Excluded CVS Commits forum from recent postings. The package_id 3061 was hardcoded, so I hardcoded this as well figuring this page was slated as a one-off.

2) Removed the limit form the subquery (fm) and added it to the overall query. This was because the subquery would select messages that were later excluded by the where clauses. There was no messages returned from the query when CVS commits was excluded.

A general question - why was the subquery used as opposed to a straightforward join. If it was for general efficiency, moving the limit probably destroyed that. However, is the straightforward join really that expensive?

remove unused files

remove unused default-master

i added the missing code from the stock default-master to add the

attributes into the body tag

add class for page title and context bar

remove form focus, it didn't work

fix auto form focus in master template

clean up templates

split CVS directory listings on /