• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixing the way ams uses forms on attribute-add to work with the new methods in 5.3+

Adding support for ad_form sections/fieldsets as part of openacs core 5.3.x, this includes an update of ams to 1.1d18 because of lang updates

    • -2
    • +12
Added missing return_html

Added elements proc. Added procedure documentation

Made sure that we can save a postal_address if we at least have the country. This is very useful to see which users you have in a certain country, even if they are not providing the full address.

Move skype to it's own right file

    • -0
    • +278
Modify mobile to support SMS Sending. Fix Skype

    • -281
    • +123
Support for SMS sending

    • -11
    • +12
Fixed Skype button

Support for multiple object types (e.g. used in contacts for employees)

Dealing with country code and delivery address which are required for postal addresses. Not sure, we might want to drop the constraint for delivery address at one time

Removed the link to the widgets page which is a) broken and b) does not serve the intended purpose anyway

Fixed typos

    • -6
    • +4
    • -3
    • +2
Small tuning with not using ams_attributes.

Made sure we see the additional options when we have an option widget

Remove unnecessary notices

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Allow saving of attributes even without a delivery address (e.g. if you want to save only the country). Added a couple of procs to make saving easier

address-widget no defaults to blank country if no defaultisocountrycode is set in parameters. also changed validation to require a country if a delivery address is input.

updating message key to go with the one in the telecom number widget

Adding canadian province validation and automatic conversion to the two digit province code from the official list of provinces (which is the format expected by Canada Post).

Getting the list_id for an exists should be cached...

Missed index which resulted in each value retrieval jumping from 145ms to 2ms

    • -0
    • +2
trimming input before saving it

Added ability to sort the options alphabetically

Added list_id in the view

hiding options list/form if the widget doesn't have any options (and is thus a date or textbox widget

adding textdate ams widget - which is dependent on the textdate code i just added to acs-templating

Allow purging of options for administrators

    • -11
    • +20
Added new message keys. Added ordering of lists

Adding check to see if the message exists before looking up the help text message, this eliminates message key errors from showing up in the log